I feel like I could float away with all the butterflies in my stomach. I can't even hear the priest. Sherlock and I are basically having a staring contest up here. I hope know one notices. I'm just so nervous! His left eyebrow moves when I'm supposed to say something.

I hear myself saying, "I do" faster than I realize time's flying. My hearing kicks back in so fast that I almost miss "you may kiss the bride". Of course, I don't.

I see Sherlock's hands come up to my face, and I push myself closer. My heart shoots up to my throat when our lips touch, and I pull on his tie to bring him closer. I hear my friends 'aww'ing at me, and pull away, because I forgot that the crowd was still there. Sherlock just smiles at me brightly, as if he knew what I was thinking.

So there's clapping, and Sherlock and I walk hand in hand down the aisle, on our way to the reception hall. Since we get about a ten minute break from people, I say to Sherlock, when we're out of earshot of the people, "How was it? I barely heard anything."

He replies, "I don't know, I didn't really hear a word, either."

Then suddenly, we both bust out laughing like idiots in the middle of the hallway. We quiet down after a minute later, and I say, still giggling, "We are so horrible! We didn't even hear much at our own wedding!"

"Well, someone was recording it, so you can ask them for it later. No one thought I would get married, but I did. I feel...happy."

"That's good, Sherlock. You should be happy anyway."

"I am. I've got you, and that's all I need." He says, pulling me into his arms. I pull off the clip-on piece of my dress carefully, and lay it on one of the tables in the hallway. Someone will find it.

I say, full attention on Sherlock, "By the way, you look amazing, babe."

He laughs, then says, "Thank you, darling. And you are gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, enticing, radiant, and oh so divine."

I ask, laughing a little, "Did you get that out of a dictionary? I feel like you just called me the definition of beautiful."

He says, smiling, "I did, actually. John has been giving me tips on women, and they are very helpful."

I say, "I cannot believe it's almost been two and a half years since we crashed into each other on the street."

"Ally...if you could go back to that day, would you change it?"

"Absolutely not! I would never change that day. I mean, sure it was awkward, and yes, you've put me in danger ever since, but that doesn't affect me. We've come a long way, especially you."

"Hey! How does it not affect you?"

"Because I like dangerous...and mysterious...and high cheekbones."

He smiles, showing off his dimples. I realize that he smiles the most for me, and am immediately flattered.

"I must confess, this day is one of the most terrifying days of my life. I have absolutely no idea how this day is supposed to go." Sherlock says, giving me puppy eyes, and not even realizing it.

I squeeze his hand, and look him in his beautiful eyes, saying, "It'll be fine. I'm right here beside you."

He nods, a little too much, obviously trying to shake off some of his stress, and I watch his hair move with a certain intensity.



I say, smiling, "Let's just be ourselves, okay? Just breathe, and everything will be fine. It doesn't matter what people think or say. I mean, it's our wedding, right? So who cares what some people may say?"

"That's why I married you. You don't care what others think or say or do, compared to us. You are yourself, and I love you for doing so."

I say, sounding shocked, "Sherlock!" I hear footsteps of people, and I lead Sherlock by the hand into the reception hall. 

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