"Sherlock!" I yell "C'mere!"

He runs into the bathroom, where I'm standing, and asks, "What's the matter?"

I show him the little stick thingy, and he takes it out of my hand, staring at it in shock. He looks nervous for a second, then smiles.

I grin, saying, "I'm pregnant again!"

He sets the test stick down, then picks me up, and swings me in a circle. He puts me down, then kisses my lips, unexpectedly. He's so giddy, it's almost scary!

"I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you this time, Ally. I swear on my life"

I interrupt, "Whoa, don't swear on your life, swear on Moriarty's or someone else you hate's life."

He continues, "Okay, I swear on Moriarty and Anderson's lives that I will protect you...forever and always."

I smirk, saying, "You're so cute when you get protective over me."

"Thanks, I guess? Should we worry about the names right now, or wait, because I'm determined that you have this baby."

"No, I think we should just wait. And maybe you should chill out. I can buy you a few parenting book if you'd like, so if you get bored while you're not working on a case, you can read them. I get a feeling that you'll need them, right?"

"I don't know, I've never...yes, I will need them, thank you."

"Well, you could ask John and Mary, considering that they've had Amelia to deal with for three years already."

"John!" Sherlock blurts, excitedly.

"Okay, how 'bout you do both, then?" I laugh.

"Yep. I'll do both."

"Good. Meanwhile I need to educate you on all things Disney and Doctor Who."

He asks, "Doctor...who?"

I smile, saying, "Exactly...it's actually based on the Doctor. You know, the guy you met right after our"

He interrupts, smiling, "Our first kiss? I remember. He's quite the interesting guy, you know."

"Definitely, and he's also weird, which is why I like him...and you, of course."

He says, chuckling, "Oh, I'm weird? You're the one who's got the new episodes set on 'record' if they're missed."

"Hey, I love me some Doctor Who, okay?"


I'm standing at the kitchen table, watching Sherlock experiment with several different things, when I feel it. A small explosion of pain in my (now) large stomach. It's probably just cramps, I think. That little explosion starts to spread, making me feel as if I'm being tortured with everything humanly possible.

I jerk my head down, holding my stomach, and wail. I see the knife that Sherlock was holding now lying on the floor next to his foot. He's at my side in a millisecond, asking me what happened. I realize that I just missed the table with my head, and wail even harder.

I cringe in pain, and say, through clenched teeth, "I think it's coming, don't you think?"

Within minutes, I'm in a hospital, being rolled into a delivery room, with Sherlock at my side, letting me grip his hand. He says, a bit panicky, "Everything's going to be fine, Ally. You're going to be just fine." I smile a little. He's just as scared as I am.

I feel as if times slows down at different parts of your life, but it's extremely slow when you go into labor. All that pain, screaming, and squeezing the life out of Sherlock's hand just to successfully deliver a baby? I'm glad I didn't die for sure. Holding the little baby in my arms made me realize how precious life is. It's worth all of that, just to hold the beautiful new life in my hands.

How little she is; her little fingers wrapped around one of Sherlock's fingers. I see Sherlock's tears, and smile. I know he's happy and I also know that he's noticed it too. She has brown hair like her mum, and blue eyes, just like her daddy's. Our little Annaliese Maria.

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