(A/N): The video above is the recap of John and Mary's wedding (The Sign of Three) and I love the song in the background. So it is relevant, don't worry..... and it's my favorite episode, so yeah... 😆😆 😄

"Please don't let me fall over or down, Sherlock." I whisper, as we glide across the floor. His lips are next to my ear; I can feel his breath on my skin.

He whispers back, "I've got you."

I rest my head on his chest, and close my eyes, wanting to stay in this moment forever. I sigh, a small sigh, then whisper, "This couldn't get any more perfect."

Sherlock mutters, "Think again." He switches sides with me, so I could see what he had seen. He's right.

A few dancing couples away, I see the Doctor and Taylor slow dancing, and chatting away in hushed voices. They both seem very entertained by each other, assuming by the amount of smiling and laughing they're doing.

Sherlock whispers, "It'll keep getting better, if you continue to think that."

I ponder that for a second. "Are you hinting at something?" I whisper, sounding surprised.

He makes an 'innocent' face, replying just as quietly, "No, no. I was just saying that it will get even better."

I smile at his awkwardness, then pull on his tie for a kiss.

A few moments later, Sherlock mutters, having the tonality of a person with a cold, "Oh, I feel so exhausted! Today was rather fun, but wouldn't you like to go home and sleep?"

"Absolutely." I say. Without a word, Sherlock whisks me away, out under the stars. I hear him say something and realize that I'd spaced out for a few minutes. I became aware of everything.

Sherlock's coat was draped across my shoulders, his hand's holding mine gingerly, the stars are shining brightly, and I can see his breath leaving his mouth because it's pretty chilly out here.

"I lied." I hear his voice say.

I look at him funny, and ask, "What?"

He continues, "About being exhausted...I lied. Parties don't interest me, and I think we can find something more interesting, don't you think?"

I just look at him.

He says, as I watch his breaths, "What do people do on wedding nights?"

I say, "Well...it's called a honeymoon, and normally it's two weeks for a couple to do...whatever they choose."

He looks at me, as if he read my mind, and says, "Oh! How could I be so stupid? We're supposed to...I mean...we...normal newlyweds..."

I interrupt him, to spare his embarrassment, and say, "Lemme' stop you right there. Sherlock, I don't know if you've noticed but, we're not normal newlyweds. We don't have to, if it makes you uncomfortable."

He says, defensively, "I'm not uncomfortable!? Why would I be uncomfortable?"

"Okay, sorry! You seem pretty uncomfortable, but who likes discussing it anyway?"

He says, "Maybe we could wait a little bit more, if that's okay with you."

I smile, saying, "Of course. Anything you want."


The next morning, I wake up in Sherlock's bed, the man himself nowhere to be found. My face is wet with tears, and I realize that I had been crying in my sleep. My dream was somewhat amazing, and somewhat terrifying.

I sit up, and look around his room; this is our first day as a married couple. No, I didn't expect him to be beside me 24/7, but I wished that we had woken up next to each other.

I literally just walk out into the front room, ignoring the fact that I'm wearing only a tank top and underwear. It's always nice and warm in the flat, except sometimes the floor's a little cold.

I see Sherlock doing something on his laptop, sitting at the desk, and he looks up at me, smiles, and says, "Good morning, love. Sleep well?"

I feel as if I'm in a trance, as I say, "Absolutely."

He furrows his eyebrows, saying, "Your eyes are red, darling. Have you been crying or did you find my secret stash?"

I say, "Hold on a second." I go back down the hallway, into his room, and try to locate his addictions. I find some, and open one of the windows, dumping everything out of its containers, then crushing them with my hands, and throw them out the window.

I can handle drunk and smoking Sherlock, but I'm not having a drug addict as a husband. I know he was taking them when I knew him, but I told him he needs to lay off the drugs, so he doesn't have another way to slowly kill himself.

I walk calmly back into the front room, and say, "Sorry, I needed to...yeah."

He says, "I was waiting for you to do that. They were calling my name."

I roll my eyes, then he continues, "So...anything special you want to do today?"

I ask, completely off topic, because my brain wanders a lot, "Are you a vampire?"

He says, mysteriously, "I don't know...am I?"

Remembering my dream, I shudder, thinking of all that blood. Sherlock walks over to me, wraps me in his arms, with my stomach against his back, and says, "You tell me."

I feel his lips brush my neck, and shiver, habitually. Then, his teeth graze my neck, as if he was literally going to bite me. And the bad thing is, I would let him. I trust him...with my life. But, his teeth don't feel very sharp, and they don't pierce my skin at all, unlike a vampire's teeth would be.

I whisper, "They're not pointy."

I feel his voice vibrations in my neck as he says, "No, they're not. I'm not a vampire, and even if I was, I wouldn't have put you in that kind of danger."

I gaze at us in the mirror above the fireplace. His cheek is resting on the side of my head, and we both look happy to be with each other. I say, "Yeah, but if you were a vampire, I'd want you to bite me, so I can be with you forever."

He smiles, saying, "I don't remember what my life was like before I met you. I love you, Ally."

I kiss his jaw, then say, "I love you too, Mister Holmes. Forever and ever." 

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