(1 Week Later)

I wake up, and immediately want to go back to sleep. My head is throbbing, and I feel like I might vomit. Am I too hot? I throw the blankets off me. Nope, it's freezing. Wait, I've got to use the restroom. I sit up slowly, but my head still throbs like crazy. My toes touch the floor, and the cold rushes up all the way to my head. Why is it so cold in here? Do I have the flu?

I stand up cautiously, and walk into the hallway. "Mrs. Hudson?" I call, hoping she's close by. I need to see a doctor. Suddenly, I feel intense heat bubbling up my throat like acid, and I stumble to the bathroom.

I vomit violently into the toilet, feeling as if I'm puking up my intestines. When I finish, I try to grab something to keep me from falling over, but I knock something off the side of the tub, and fall on the tiled floor.

I landed on my cheek, and I feel the frigidness on my face, that instead of getting up, I just lay there, motionless. The pain sets in, ranging from a dull throb to a repeated stabbing all over my body. I didn't realize that I was crying until when I tried to lift my head, my cheek was stuck to the floor.

I hear a door slam, then hurried footsteps coming up the stairs, and down the hallway. I hear a voice say, "Ally?" sounding panicked. The footsteps run past the door. Find me, Sherlock! I grab whatever fell off the tub, and chuck it at the door in frustration. It smacks the door, then bounces back, almost hitting me in the head. I start to cry all over again. I don't know why I'm being such a baby today.

The door opens, and Sherlock picks me up, and sits me on the side of the tub, saying, "Baby, what happened?"

I say, sobbing, "Get me-to a-doctor."

He notices the smell, and wrinkles his nose at the stench of my puke. I giggle a little at his cute little face. He closes the toilet lid quickly, then says, "I'll get you to a doctor. I know just the one."

He helps me put my clothes on, then lets me lean on him for support so I can walk. We get a cab, and in just a few minutes, we're at a doctor's office.

I'm called in literally right before I sit down. Sherlock probably made a big fuss about it, so I could get in fast. I look back at Sherlock who seems to be right at home here, and say, "Aren't you coming?"

He looks up from his notebook, then says, smiling, "Oh, no, I'm absolutely sure you'll be fine. You're in good hands, trust me." I shrug; he confuses me.

I follow the nurse down the hallway, then walk into a room. I turn to ask her something, but she's already gone. I then turn my attention to the room.

A voice says, "Okay Ally, tell me what happened."

I know that voice. The sun shines through the window, and I see John, looking at me with such concern.

"John, I'm sick." I say, collapsing in the chair across from him.

He replies, "So I noticed, now tell me why you think you're sick."

I tell him everything that happened since I woke up this morning.

He says, "Well, all I can do is just...well, um, I know this is a bit awkward but...did you two?"

I realize what he's asking, and figure that I should tell him. I look down at my shoes, and say, "Yes."

He looks surprised, then says, "The only thing that could be is you have the flu or you're...pregnant."

"Please say that I have the flu." I plead with him.

He just says, "You'll have to take the pregnancy test." He hands me a small little packages item, and sends me off down the hallway to the bathroom.

I go in, do whatever I have to do, then stand there, and what for it to get a result. I look at myself in the mirror, and laugh. I look so scared! Why? Because I'm afraid that if I am pregnant, that Sherlock will be upset with me, even though it's both of our faults. He's never said anything about kids, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want them right? I mean he said he'd never get married, and here he is, later in life, married.

I look down at the little life changer, and freeze. Oh...my...

I run back to John's office room, after throwing the stick thingy away, and say, "John, I'm positive."

He smiles, and says, "Then I guess you're pregnant."

I sit down in the chair, and slouch in it, exhausted already. I cannot believe it! There's a little baby in my stomach. I'd never even thought about it, becoming pregnant.

John says, "Do you want me to"

I interrupt him, saying, "No!? Don't tell him! I'll tell him. Just...don't make it obvious."

He nods, and opens the door for me. He says, "You have to come back here every month so we can monitor your health. We wouldn't want" he pauses, still a little shocked, "the baby to be unhealthy, now would we?"

I shake my head no, then walk out into the lobby. I see Sherlock still writing in his notebook, and he looks up at me, saying, "We okay?"

I say, hiding my nervousness, "Yeah, we're good, I mean- I'm fine, but I don't know about you."

I take his hand that he held out to me, and walk out with him. I wave at John quickly, so Sherlock doesn't notice.

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