"Sherlock, we don't need those!" I laugh, as he adds a jar of olives to the basket in my arms. You'd think he's never been food shopping before!

He says, "Yes, I do, because I'm out of eyeballs, and olives are the perfect substitute for them. They're the same texture, and they even sort of resemble eyes."

"Ugh, fine, but get something that you'll actually eat, alright?"

"I don't eat much, you know."

I reply, determined, "Sherlock I want you to be healthy. Who cares what people think? I mean, you're definitely mot fat, and I'm not either...yet."

He turns, and tosses me a can. I look down at it.

"Why do we need baby food?" I ask, trying to confuse him. He can't know yet.

"Well, you did say that you're not fat 'yet' and I'm pretty sure that is what you meant."

I just stare at him, then toss the can back to him. For some reason, he doesn't catch it, and I giggle, watching him chase it down the aisle, then picks it up as if nothing happened.

He says, breathless, "So, am I right?"

I say, "Don't you think if I was pregnant, I would tell you?"

"Unless, you wanted to surprise me." He replies, smirking at me.

"Let's just get the food and leave, okay?"

He grabs a few soup cans, and I walk down the produce aisle to get a few things. I go into the freezer section, and find him studying a package of meat.

"What exactly are you doing?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"Yes, um, I think I'm a vegetarian, thank you."

"Really? That doesn't seem like you."

"Then what do I 'seem' like?"

"You act like a vicious meat eater, like, as if you'd eat the meat raw and bloody or something."

"And why do you think that?"

"I don't know. Because you're vicious?"

He looks at me, then smiles, saying, "Of course, I'm vicious! I'm just a certain way with people."

I head to the register, saying, "Okay, come on, you vicious vampire!"

He makes a face at me, then follows me to the checkout line.


After throwing up for the fifth time this week, Sherlock finally decided to look into what could be the problem. "So you've got to be sick." He says, watching me throw myself onto the couch.

I shake my head, then wince in pain. It's been a month and a half since John's known about it. How we've kept it from Sherlock, neither of us really know.

"You've been throwing up at least 3 times every week, but only in the morning. How can you not be sick?"

"It's morning sickness, Sherley."

"So, you're only sick in the morning?"

I nod, then wince again, feeling the same little sting of pain.

"What's the matter? Why are you wincing? Are you alright?" He asks, looking very apprehensive.

I say, sighing, and ready to get it out, "Sherlock...I'm pregnant."

Since I'm looking up at the ceiling, I don't see his reaction. I turn my head, and see him sitting on the floor next to the couch, looking at me.

He asks, his voice sounding nervous, "How long?"

I say, studying his face, "A month and a half."

He just stares at me for a second, then he hides his face by putting his forehead on the edge of the couch. I hear him muttering, "I'm so stupid, how did I not"

I blurt, "No, no, no, you're not stupid, Sherlock! You just never thought about it. It's okay."

He lifts his head up. His eyes are filled with tears, and I ask, immediately concerned, "Sherlock, what's wrong?"

He smiles, and I watch a tear roll down his cheek, and fall into his lap. He says, "I just...I never thought I could actually have a family. I've got a girl who loves me enough to be my wife, and now, a...baby."

I smile, and tussle his hair, saying, "Aww!"

"So when do you need to go back to John again?"

"Like, in 3 weeks."

Sherlock sets his chin on the couch next to my face, and kisses the tip of my nose. He says, "I'll make sure nothing happens to you. You're always safe with me."

"Really? Because sometimes it seems like even when I'm with you, I'm still in danger."

"Even then, you're still safe." He chuckles.

Mrs. Hudson appears at the top of the stairs, asking, "Anyone need anything?" Sherlock tells her what I told him, and she smiles, saying, "Oh that's wonderful! This place would seem a bit better with the sound of the pitter patter of little feet." 

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