Now on the roof of the hospital, I struggle to keep my eyes open. Moriarty has a grip on me, but I've been fighting every chance I get. He has a bloody nose, and a rather large lump on his forehead. I however, was whacked in the back of the head, making me lose my veil, and I have bruises on my arms and chest.

Sherlock bursts through the door, breathless, clad in his wedding suit. He catches his breath, then says, "Really? On my wedding day! Can't a man get a break?"

Moriarty chuckles, and says, "Sherlock, how could I possibly keep you to myself, if you get married? That would be really awkward...for her."

Sherlock rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed.

Moriarty forces me to stand on the ledge of the roof, facing him and Sherlock.

Sherlock whips out a gun, pointing it at Moriarty, saying, "You push her off, I will make sure you die painfully, starting with a bullet to the head."

Moriarty looks down just for a moment, but enough time for Sherlock and I lock eyes, and he mouths one word. The one word that compelled me to jump off the roof, willingly.

I hear an unusual whirring sound a few feet below me, and Sherlock raises a brow, obviously trying to confuse Moriarty. I say, "Jim Moriarty, it's been fun."

I fling my arms out beside me, and step off the ledge. At first, all I hear is the wind and Moriarty's evil cackling, then I'm in someone's arms.

"Hello again! Nice to see you in one piece, Ally-pally!" The Doctor says. He stands me on my feet, kisses my hair, then goes back to piloting the TARDIS.

I say, talking directly to the TARDIS, "Hi, old friend! Thank you for saving me!" I'm given a few flickers of light in response, and I smile. What? The Doctor's not the only one who talks to the TARDIS. I ask, "What about Sherlock?"

The Doctor says, "He'll be fine."

"No...take me back! We need to keep close eyes on him."

The Doctor sighs, then says, "Okay, but the invisibility cloak's still activated, so you need to look through the windows on the doors."

I peer out the windows; we're a few feet from the ledge of the roof. Sherlock and Moriarty have their guns pointing at each other, and seem to be having a negotiation of sorts. I motion to the Doctor to move the TARDIS close so I could touch the ledge, and open the door a hair so I can hear. Sherlock's winning...obviously.

I hear Moriarty say, "Oh, the poor girl just died, and you're not crying? Aren't you heartbroken? She'd be devastated if she were here, and I pushed you off the roof...again. If I had shot her in front of you, would you have jumped? Would you be heartbroken?"

Sherlock says, "That my life. I never knew I needed her, until that one day she disappeared. She taught me to feel, even to love. And I fell in love with her."

I feel the warm droplets run down my face, and quietly open the door all the way. I jump, landing on Moriarty, and he falls to the ground, his gun sliding away from him on the concrete. I pull his hands behind his back, and handcuff him. I say to him, "Sorry, Sherlock Holmes is mine. Lay off, ya' psycho!"

The Doctor steps out, saying, "The police are on their way."

Moriarty squirms under my weight, and Sherlock says, "Stay on him, princess."

I say, "Yes sir!" like a soldier, and Moriarty chuckles under me. I whack him in the back of the head, knocking him out, cold.

I stand up, and see Lestrade and a few other police officers come running through the door. Two policemen pick up Moriarty, and drag him away.

I call after him, even though he's unconscious, "Peace out, weirdo!"

Sherlock laughs, then he notices my battle wounds. He says, "You're hurt, baby, are you alright?"

I say, "Yeah, I'm fine. I gave him a few injuries of his own."

Sherlock pulls me into his arms, and says, "Remind me never to get on your bad side."

"Same to you. I've heard about your skills in fighting, and I must say that I'd love to see you in action."

"You will, trust me, you will."

I tell Lestrade that we'd wait for him to get to the church to start the wedding back up. I say, pulling away from Sherlock, "Hey, we're not supposed to touch until the vows, remember?"

"My apologies...I forgot, but I'd also like to say that I don't really care at this moment."

The Doctor says, "C'mon you two lovebirds, let's get you to your wedding, shall we?"

Sherlock asks, "Um, Doctor? Could you give us a minute?"

The Doctor steps back into the TARDIS, saying, "Alright, but hurry up! Don't want to keep your guests waiting." He closes the door.

Sherlock says, "Ally...this is the place where I jumped."

"Yes...John told me. He said it was absolutely terrifying and gut-wrenching, watching you jump to your death. And he said that when he saw you laying on the concrete with a bloody face, and potentially broken spine, and collapsed lungs, he said he thought you were gone. That he'd lost his best friend forever. I cried just listening to him telling it. He said that it's something I needed to know, since he knew that you liked me."

I look at him, and I see him staring right into my eyes.

I continue, "Sherlock...promise you will never do something like that ever again. Promise me. Even if it's to protect me. If you go down, we'll go down together. I'll run away with you. I'll die by your side. Just please...please don't do it again."

His hand caresses my cheek, just as it did the night that I agreed to marry him, making me smile uncontrollably. He says, "I promise."

He adds, hearing noises from the TARDIS, "Let's go get married then, shall we?"

I ask, as I step into the TARDIS, "What is it with Brits and saying 'shall we'?"

Sherlock shoots back, playfully, "What is it with Americans and saying 'weirdos and psychos'?"

He turns to the Doctor, and says, "Thank you for saving her. You're a really good friend."

The Doctor says, "Hey, that's just what I do."

Sherlock says, "I could've saved her, but you know, I had my hands full at the moment."

The Doctor replies, "You have your hands full, anyway. She's a chaotic mess, you'll see."

"Okay, stop it. I'm a mess, I get it. But so are both of you. So let's just go already, okay?"

The Doctor sighs, then says, "Fine...Allons-y!"

I roll my eyes, and say, "Um, wrong catchphrase."


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