Ch. 1: A mark

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((Note: this story belongs to me and it is posted on as well. This is all just fanfiction so I apologize in advance if you see spelling mistakes or whatever ))

Arthur gazed into the dark night. The warmth of the summer making him feel hot. He looked out the window when he suddenly saw a mist of light that slowly approached itself to his window. Arthur gazed at it amazed by the light when it slowly started getting into his body. Arthur could feel a slight burn but it wasn't much. He looked at his half naked body and search for some sign of weirdness.
He saw nothing....but when he walked to the mirror, he saw a mark on his neck.
The mark of spades.

The next morning, Arthur dressed up, and intentionally put his collar higher than the usual, trying  to hide his mark. He lived in the kingdom of clubs. Arthur Kirkland was 19 years old, a noble of  clubs as well as of spades. 'Maybe all spades get a mark on their body saying that they are part spades at a certain age?' Arthur thought to himself
When his fairy friend appeared. "Hey Arthur! I heard you got your mark!" She said with a smile
"Hello Emma, how do you know about that?" He asked
"Oh- fairy knowledge of the future, can't really tell you where I get the information, just know your life will get-" before she could finish. a knock at the door.
  "Lord Kirkland, your brothers are expecting you and your mother" a servant said
"Ah, thank you, yes I will be going now" Arthur said as he waved Emma goodbye and left to breakfast
At the breakfast table, his mother sat as head, and his oldest brothers around her. Arthur sat infront of her. " good morning dear!" She said happily, her green eyes gazing at his. She had a blonde and slight reddish hair.
"Good morning mum" Arthur replied
"Mornin' Artie"Scott his eldest brother said with a teasing voice. Their mother glared at Scott
" morning Scottie" Arthur replied rebelliously. Scott only smirked
The morning was as quiet as ever.

Later that afternoon, Arthur went on a walk with his mother. "Mum....I need to tell you something" Arthur said. His mother stopped infront of a weeping willow, when she turned to see her son. "This....thing....appeared last night...and I'm not sure what it is" he said as he unhooked his tie and showed his neck
"That's-that's the spades..."
"The spades crest yes I know but is it a thing that comes out at a certain age or-"
"The royal crest." His mother stated. As she gazed at her son in surprise, "that is spades royal have been chosen to be a royal!" His mother squealed
"Dear lord! Could it be you're King? Maybe Jack? Dear lord! We must go to spades as soon as possible" his mother informed
"Mom! Please! Me? A royal? Why not Scott? Besides we live in clubs! How can I be a spades royal-"
"I am a spades noble by birth, your father was a clubs noble. We had our children in spades. And we moved here when you were about 3 so. You are originally from spades my dear" she replied
"But a royal? Is there not a blood line to be a royal??"
"'s far more complicated than that. But we must head to spades. We need an audience with parliament" she said as she grabbed her sons hand and took him away.

Alfred stood infront of parliament as they mumbled between each other, "please stop mumbling. I need to know what is happening to my father and why you are all so riled up!" Arthur spoke out. An aristocrat cleared his voice...
"I'm afraid... Your father is no longer considered King. A new king has arisen..."
"How can that be? My father IS sick but he isn't dead, how is there a new king? Who is the new king?"  Alfred asked
"We don't know. Only the clock knows, the Jack is the only one that keeps the clock...but he passed away a week ago. We do not know where the clock of spades is" the aristocrat replied
Alfred clenched his fist, but another member spoke. "My prince.....if I may say so, you could be eligible for king. From what most of us do know, the son or daughter of the previous king and queen of spades usually remain part of the royal rulers. "
"How would I know if I was king?" Alfred asked
"When the king, queen or Jack dies...their crest is given to the rightful and eligible royal. A royal could even be a peasant for all we know! The clock works and chooses people by itself. We have no power over it"
Alfred nodded in comprehension, "thank you, I will see you all tomorrow "

He walked down the corridors to his fathers chambers. Alfred's mother had passed away a month ago... The Jack a week ago and his father was on deaths door. He opened the door quietly, gazing in at his father who remained asleep. But his father opened up an eye.
"Alfred my boy!" Cough. "How have you been?" Cough.
Alfred smiled, "dad ! I wish you would see the commotion parliament is making right now, they're way out of control"
"They're nervous my boy...they're afraid the future king will be..." Cough, "undisciplined or a commoner" his father said as his blue eyes that had once been full of life were now dimming.
" can't die yet, you can't leave me yet, man"
"Alfred....let me tell you a story okay?" His father asked quietly
Alfred nodded, "there was once...a man....who was a commoner. One night he awoke from his slumber and found a mist that entered his body. The next morning he woke up, believing it was a-" cough. Cough. "A-uh, a dream. He awoke and looked at himself. On his shoulder blade was the mark of spades. The intricate design of a Royal crest. Wings and everything beautifully detailed." His father spoke. "The man thought it was nothing and kept going with his life, but soon...Knights of the castle would find him. And tell him that he was the king of spades... Of course this man would not believe it without proof"
"So?" Alfred replied
"   So they took him to the castle, showed him the beautiful clock of spades that the newly chosen Jack had showed him, a way to tell if a royal is a royal is showing them the watch. If the crazy time goes to normal. You are a chosen royal. But notice each spades design is made differently according to the person. The king always has a mark on his left side where the heart lies....this man-" cough. cough. cough. "He would meet-" more coughing and raspy.
'Dad you can stop here, you don't need to tell me-"
"No. I do. He would meet a beautiful woman. Queen of spades, was her new title, but before that she had been a princess. At first she felt no attachment towards the man but she slowly began to fall in love with him. As well as he did. They wedded and ruled side by side. Their Jack settled trade, the queen could decide wars and military , and the king administrated the alliances and money. With the help of his Jack. Remember Alfred.....that a king must always protect his people before his emotions....that is the curse of being a royal. But remember that a king depends on his Jack and queen as well as a child depends on his parents" his father said with a smile.
Alfred smiled back as he held his fathers hand "is this your story dad?"
"Mines? Yes....I was a commoner. Took me a year to learn all the politics but...your mother helped me with all of that.. I miss your mother...Ill soon get to see her" he said quietly as he looked at the window. Alfred could feel a small sadness spread in his heart.
"But dad-"
"Alfred, listen well. My boy, I know you're  a stubborn, hot head but you are smart. Remember this, a king and queen will always be fated to love each other, the power they share and their life is bonded with the jacks. One dies, the others soon die, like withering flowers cut at different times. A king has power, a queen has magic, a Jack has wisdom and all have  loyalty. They are faithful and loyal to each other but remember you must beware to tell anyone these secrets...for only....the....royals....know happily my boy" Alfred's father said with a smile as his eyes shut and his last breathe was taken. The king...had now passed away.

Arthur waited in the ball room, alone. He watched aristocrats walk back and forth, all whispering. all saddened....all seeming to have lost something. The doors opened. Arthur watched as his mother walked into the room. Her face looking saddened.
"My dear....the king has passed away and....right now the prince can't talk. " his mother informed
"Oh....I'm sorry for his loss-" Arthur said but the doors opened and in came in a blonde man with a hair curled up. Blue eyes and glasses. He was tall, had broad shoulders as well as a kind gentle smile.
"Thank you. For coming. I heard from my servants that you have a mark of spades on you, may I see?"
Arthur untied his collar and showed his skin with the spades mark.
"Thank you, you really are a will stay with us, we will have you accommodated immediately. Same with your mother. If she pleases?" Alfred asked kindly with a bow
"Oh yes! Thank you, we would love to stay....I am very sorry for your loss" she said quietly
"Thank you for your words, my father would have been pleased to meet a woman like you, m'am. " Alfred said as he nodded at his knight, a tall blonde man with his hair up at the front. A scar on his forehead. "Ned will escort you to your rooms, if you will excuse me I have business to attend to" Alfred said as he walked away. He needed to find that clock.

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