Chapter Thirteen.

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This whole situation has me screwed up in the head. After I screamed my lungs out enough for someone to notice and call the police, me and Andre were rushed to the hospital. The whole way, he was spitting blood and I was crying.

Once we got there, they took him away from me and performed an emergency surgery on him to remove all pieces of the bullets. He was shot in his chest and stomach. They said he'd be alright and just needed to rest for awhile. After seeing him sleeping peacefully, I began to wonder about Deshaun. Where was he? I called their home and got no answer. I wanted to call mine but decided to just go there. I already knew I was either in big trouble or something big happened.

Just as I was about to open my front door, I heard Tyrone's heavy footsteps approach me, "Where's your side man?"

"My what? Tyrone, don't get this started with me. I've had a long night."

"I bet you have. You've been over there smashing. But it's all good."

As fast as those words slipped out of his mouth was how fast my fist met his face.

"Don't you ever put your hands on me!" He yelled slamming me up against the brick wall, "You got that?"

"Let me go. You're not scaring me. You don't know me enough to even know how to scare me."

"Oh yeah? Bet I scared you last night. "Andre! Andre, please hold on! Don't let go!" He mocked, "Yeah, I was there. As a matter of fact, I did it."

My heart rate began to increase as tears flooded from my eyes. How could he?

"Where's his brother?"

"Now that, I don't know. He ran after one of my boys, heard a couple shots, ain't seen him since." He shrugged as he played with his nails.

"I can't believe you!"

"Me? You! I thought you loved me! We were good together! You were the only girl who trusted me and I felt the same way about! Then, you come up here and it's like I don't even exist. You leave with him and instead of coming back with me, you run after him! You know how that makes me feel? Unwanted! Nobody's ever liked me the way you do! They've only played and used me! I guess I was wrong about you, too."

"I don't care! I really don't! But since you want to put yourself on the line, let me do the same. I did love you. Keyword: did. But I also loved him. When I came up here, I wasn't expecting me and him to be cool. I was expecting us to be fighting like we usually are. Of course I'd run to him. You yelled at me and hurt me! I still have the bruise on my arm!" I showed him the bruise.

"Not only that, but he was my first love, not you! I never wanted you to feel unwanted, but now I don't care anymore. You could have killed him. Not even over anything serious! You shooting him over this stupid situation is as petty as me making Tae sprint eight miles on the track for calling me by my first name in R.O.T.C.!"

I started thinking about how cruel that was. I should've never done that to him.

"Now Andre's in the hospital because you're jealous. I wasn't even trying to get with him. I wanted to be with you. But after this, you've pushed me further from you and closer to him."

I walked off after that. There's no need in us telling each other it's over. I need to find Andre's brother, stat!


As I walked down the street by the school, I heard somebody groaning. I looked around and seen Deshaun laying in the bushes.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?"

"I got jumped, but I'm cool. Where's Dre?"

"He's in the hospital. He was shot multiple times and wounded in multiple places."

"Is he going to be okay?" I nodded, "Good."

"I don't know if it means anything to you, but I know who did it."

"I do, too. He's been our rival since day one."

"How do you know him?"

"Around the time you and Andre first met was around the time we met Ty. He was in foster care and so were we. Just different homes. We thought he was cool at first, but he was a switch out. We stopped hanging with him and he started causing problems. That's why Andre always wanted to fight you. He was always mad and you were always testing him."

I started reminiscing about us fighting back in the day.

"Long story short, Ty hung around bad people and became bad people. He thought they were good influences only because he never had a good influence in his life."

I get it now. Ty was bounced from home to home, people to people, state to state. His life was never stable so he only got what he could. These people he must have been hanging out with up here must have been gangbangers. Once he was introduced to the life, he couldn't get enough.

A gang is like a family. They have mad love and respect for one another. They may do some illegal stuff, but it's only to provide for one another. That's why Ty is so antsy. He just can't control himself. He feels everybody is the same and the only ones he can trust are his gang.


"Mama, where's Tae? I have to talk to him about something." I don't care where my real mother is or what she's doing, Mrs. Taylor will always be a mama to me.

"Girl, you know that ever since that boy done started going through puberty, he don't stay home. He done went and found some new friends. He doesn't want to be around his big sister no more."

"Well he's going to be around his big sister today."

I ventured outside. I know just where he's at; the basketball court.

Once I got there, he was sitting on the bleachers, gulping down water while a crowd of girls were flocking around him.

"Oh, Tae! You looked so fine on the court today!" One of them shrieked.

"Now think about how fine you'll look when you're with me!" yelled another.

I pushed my way through them and hugged Tae, kissing him on his cheek. There was a loud gasp.

"Ew, why are you with her?"

He kissed me back on my cheek, "Cause she's my sister."

"Yeah, now back off, tramps!"

"I ain't no tramp! You need to back off my man!"

"Sweet heart, get back!" I pulled out a knife, "I'm the one that decides who's good for him and who's not. I don't want him to end up falling in love with anybody like you. That's the last thing I'll ever do!"

"Cut me then!"

"You might not want to say that," Tae scratched his nose, "she's known for doing certain things people tell her to do."

"Plus, I'm having a bad week so it will be my pleasure."

Some girl came up behind her and told whispered something in her ear. Her eyes grew wide as she backed up, "I'm sorry, Miss Taylor."

"Good, so I'm still known around here." I smirked, "Now all of y'all leave my little brother alone! I need to talk to him." They all left and we started our trek home.

"Tae, I just don't know what to do anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Ty shot Andre."


"They've had beef from the get-go and they were both jealous over me. I know it's stupid, but they did. Ty's in a gang and I think Andre is, too. I'm scared, Tae." I cried.

He pulled me in for a hug, "It's going to be okay, sis. I got you. But, you need to break it off with Ty."

"I think I already have. Unless he's the type that can't take a hint."

"He better be."

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