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"The rain won't stop falling, its harder than before. This car keeps on stalling, pedal to the floor. What I need to know is if you love me and I really need to know is if you want me when you call."

"What exactly am I listening to?" I asked quietly as Flora found herself lost inside of the music, even with just one headphone in. I admit, she's gorgeous, but I have my eyes on only one person who just so happens to be Hood.

"It reminds me of you and Hood. You two would be so cute together."

I sighed and pulled her right ear bud out of my ear. I didn't like telling people about who I'm interested in and now that Flora knows, she's never going to let this go. The last time she shipped me with somebody, things got out of hand and I'm not willing to go down that path again.

"This song and Where We Land remind me of you guys. I'm sorry, I'm getting caught up in my head already."

"It's fine. I have to get going to work but I'll see you tomorrow?" I replied in more of a questioning tone, only to have her smile in response before she returned to reading her book.

I wish I was as full of life as she is. I'm just a guy who likes getting with people because I'm lonely. But Hood, he makes me feel less lonely. He puts the stars in the night sky and brightens it up, everything that once seemed so dull and boring became the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

I arrived at work only three minutes late, seeing that Lillian had her arms crossed and another angry expression displayed on her features.

"Michael, if you're late one more time, I'm going to have to fire you."

"I swear I won't be next time. I was just caught up in a conversation with this guy."

"That's no excuse."

"Oh but it is," I replied, but then I remembered I couldn't be cocky with my own boss. It'd be best to just keep my mouth shut and not bring up Hood. But how can I not? Someone so beautiful deserves to be talked about.

"You have two customers sitting at a table by the window again. Go take their order."

"Yes m'am," I replied as I tied my waiter apron around my waist and headed over towards the table. I halted in my tracks when seeing the same people, again. Except they were without the adults. It was Calum and his girlfriend.

"Hi, my name's Michael and I'll be your server for today. Can I start you off with a couple of drinks?" I faltered, not being able to take my eyes off of the brown haired boy. He was just so cute, with his mesmerizing eyes and those stupid pouty lips that I find myself staring at a lot.

"Oh hey, I remember you! We saw you earlier on the train." The female had commented, a smile showing on her face. I smiled back awkwardly, because I wasn't really comfortable with his girlfriend speaking to me. Fuck, they were cute together.

"I'll have a strawberry lemonade with extra lemon. And my little brother here will have a chocolate milk from the kids menu."

Brother?! Shit, I was way off.

"I can order for myself thanks. I'll have a cup of tea with two lumps of sugar."

"Brief, I like it," I retorted as I jotted it down in my order taking notepad. I gave them one last heart warming smile and walked off towards the counter, only to have Lillian eyeing me suspiciously.

"That must be him."

I absolutely loved how she put an emphasis on 'him.' My heart is at the end of my sleeve and I'm pouring so many of my emotions out right now that I didn't even realize everyone around me had noticed that I'm falling helplessly in love with Hood.

"It is."

"I approve, but don't put love before business, Michael. Working is just as important as anything else."

"Yes, I know, thank you for reminding me."


"And then he showed up at the restaurant with his sister, who I thought was his girlfriend. I can't believe how wrong I was."

Luke nodded his head, frowning slightly.

"Something wrong?" I pursed, noticing when something is off with my friend.

"No, yes. I don't know. I just wish you'd let me talk first sometimes. All you seem to talk about is Hood now. And don't get me wrong, its adorable that you've finally found someone to hold onto, but I'd like to talk about how I feel as well."

I guess I was so caught up in my mind thinking about how cute Hood and I would be together. I still wish I knew his first name though.

"Right, sorry. Tell me what's on your mind, Luke."

"Well, Ashton. And Ashton, and more Ashton."

"I sense a spark between you," I spoke as I twirled a pen between my fingers, "I still haven't met him though. When do you plan on bringing him home?"

The boy's cheeks flushed, and he only cleared his throat and moved on from my question instantly.

"He said he wants to meet you too, but not before he takes me on a date."

I grinned happily, because my best friend was finally falling in love with somebody, even after his last breakup.

"Where is he taking you?"

"That's only for me to know. Besides, I'd most likely tell you everything after it happens anyway."

He had a point, that boy just can't keep anything to himself.

"Well, I'm off to the shower. Talk to you when I'm done." I actually had planned on relaxing afterwards and not initiating any conversation what so ever because in reality, all I want to do is research 'Hood' and see if I can find out what his first name is. I also want to look at his cute face more, but that's for my eyes only.

I hopped into the steaming hot shower and felt relieved as the water pelted against my back. I couldn't stop thinking about today and his stupid, yet adorable pick up line. Or the way Flora pulled that quote up out of nowhere and said it reminded her of us. I'm never going to be able to let that go.

I thought of Hood the whole time I showered, and not in a sexual way either. It was just a stupid, cliché moment where I couldn't stop thinking about holding his hand and kissing him everywhere to claim him as mine. Because he's mine, and nobody can take him away from me. I won't let anybody steal my boy.




1140 words.

So many ed references jfc. I'm listening to him as I write these chapters.

I'm so in love with this story oh my god help.

It's fifteen minutes to new years eve boo yeeah guys!!! Sike idrc but yeah. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter and their day and their new year.

See you all in the next chapter!

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