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I found myself walking through the lonely streets on my side of the town, watching as runners would pass me by and people would honk their car horns at me because I was the weird guy with colorful hair. I knew that I'd have to be returning to school soon and I definitely wasn't looking forward to it, because I enjoyed spending time just relaxing and getting paid. It was nice.

But every nice thing has to come to an end eventually, but hopefully that isn't the case for me. I'm completely fine with losing everything, except for Calum. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost him.

I remember visiting my old friend from primary school and catching up on life and politics, even if all I really wanted to do was talk about the beautiful brunette haired boy who hasn't left my mind since I met him. I wanted to hang out with him again today, but he had to go down to the department with his sister to fill out some paperwork and I'd have to meet up with him later to join as well, because I promised him that he wouldn't have to do it alone.

I'd never let him do anything alone, because he deserves to have all of the help in the world. If he needs somebody, I'm there. And I always will be, even if I'm a hundred years old and buried underneath the soil that grows beneath our shoes.

"So I decided that I'm going to stay here with you," Luke spoke nonchalantly as he attempted to toss popcorn into his mouth but mindlessly failed because he was never good at that to begin with. He was watching some strange movie on the television that had to do with horror mixed with comedy and it definitely wasn't one of those scary movie editions that I find hilarious, but rather something that just came out and is actually incredibly lame.

"You don't have to stay in this raggedy old place because of me," I responded as I made my way over to the refrigerator to find something to drink, knowing that I'd be stuck with a carton of sour milk or frozen orange juice. We sometimes forget that things have expiration dates.

"I know, but you're my best friend and you don't deserve to face the world, alone. Besides, I have my whole entire life to move in with Ashton and you still haven't met somebody to move in with for your future."

"I have," I replied, instantly coming to the conclusion that I wanted to buy an apartment with Calum one day.

"I hope you're not talking about him."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am. He's actually put my life into perspective and I can now see the world in color. Everything was so grey and crippled and all I had ever known was shrieks of pain and terror and agonizing moments of realization that I was alone but Luke, you don't understand how comfortable he makes me feel. I was always so afraid and now I'm fearless."

"You barely know him."

"And you barely know Ashton," I scoffed, knowing that I was practically making history with Calum and not forcing anything while they've only known each other for a couple of months and had planned on moving in together without telling me ahead of time. I mean sure, Luke gave me an idea that he was considering it but I didn't have enough time to process the fact that living with my best friend wouldn't last forever and I'd soon be forced into adulthood and choices about who I want to spend the rest of my life with but only one person comes to my mind when I think about being in a relationship and one day getting married and having kids and growing old until the wrinkles on our faces are unbearable and we're laying in hospital beds with smiles on our faces because we made it.

But maybe I'm over thinking the possibilities of being with Calum, even if they are endless. I can only hope that one day he will be my rocketing sky and the scented candles that makes everything smell better. I'd like to be the one who can adjust his wings whenever they fall and lift him up into the clouds because he's the cotton candy that stays at the tip of my tongue and reminds me what it was like to be happy when I was younger. And now, I don't have to sit here and watch the world around me dance with their feet splashing in the crashing sea of waves because I can experience it myself with a beautiful tanned boy that I'm still trying to make mine.

I'm not losing hope or faith, because I know that if I keep trying to move through the door that's always locked, that I'll somewhere along the way find the key and get through it easily, because he opened it as though it were his heart and he wanted to hug the life out of me because he loves me as much as I love him.

I want, maybe even need that to happen. For he is my everything and I've grown more attached to him than I ever have with anyone in my entire life.


"Have you ever watched the sun rise in the mornings?" I asked Calum, because I was finally able to spend time with him after a long day and we'd have to sit through an hour of sitting in the waiting room to be approved by the department and filling the silence with our voices was one way to make everything less boring. But I was never bored with Calum.

"Who hasn't?" Calum chuckled slightly and I felt myself growing fond of him even more. His chocolate brown eyes reminded me of the fountains in which we dip strawberries in and bite into, melting afterwards because they tasted so unbelievably amazing. And his lips were the kind of pink that reminded me of the roses that hang off of the vines and the bushes and the petals that fly off of the trees when the wind blows. And his beautiful shaved hair reminded me of the splashing puddles that kids would have fun in on the cold rainy days with their rubber boots, coats and umbrellas that they refused to hold up because they were having so much fun. And the way he laughed reminded me of the time I first realized that my heart was beating loudly inside of my chest because he was in front of me, and there was nothing better than looking at him because he was beautiful and that kind of beauty was almost impossible to find.

"Some people don't wake up early enough to see it," I sighed, thinking back to this morning when I saw the contrast of yellow, purple and a tangerine colored red that created almost the most beautiful sight and would have made a perfect painting that I could only imagine Calum drawing because his artwork was that amazing.

"I know, its a shame."

"You know, the sunrises and sunsets remind me of your eyes."

"Why?" Calum retorted with his eyebrows furrowed as he turned towards me and took his eyes off of the white, chalky looking wall in front of us.

"Because they're beautiful. But they're definitely not as beautiful as you."

I watched as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink and I loved making him blush, because it meant that my compliments meant something to him and if that something was love, then I'd be the happiest person in the entire world.



This video is cute as fuck.

This chapter is cute as fuck.

This storyline is cute as fuck.

You the reader, are cute as fuck.

And I love you.

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