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Hyejin's Pov

*I need you girl wae honja saranghago honjaseoman Ibyeolhae*

I woke up from the bed because of the loud alarm.

"Well I need you too. But not now" I turn off the alarm and took a quick shower then wore the school uniform and combed my hair wisely.

"Hyejin-ah!! Breakfast!" Mingyu shouted from downstairs.

"Aish..He is so annoying" I muttered and went downstairs. I ate the breakfast as he finished so soon. He stare at me unknowingly as i shot him a glare.



"Do you want to go to school together?" He asked  nicely and I nod knowing that he needs some protection from all the fangirls. I went to the classroom that was the same as Mingyu.

"Hyejin-ssi" I turn to see naeun hugging me and kindly smile. Then I sit at the back of the class where my desk is. Next to me was no one so I'm pleased, nobody bothered me.

"Unnie(sis)" I called my best friend and smile at her. She took a seat beside me. "Have any news?".

"Yeah. There a new student in this class. I think it was a boy. He maybe sit beside you" she poke my shoulder jokingly as I pout.

"If I'm mistaken. His name is Jeon wo-" the bell rang in a perfect time. Mr.park come to the class with a perfect look boy.

"Please introduce yourself"

"Annyeonghaseyo...Jeon wonwoo imnida. Please take care of me"

"Okay..You can sit beside hyejin at the back"

He nodded and he already have many fans in this class. Why would many girl like him when he is not that gorgeous. I sigh heavily as soon as he sit beside me. I even move my chair in a distance.

Then i have to hear this boring speech too, it was all useless. I saw Wonwoo writing something. why would I even care. Maybe he's copying the speech. Suddenly he pass the paper to me.

'Hi. Hyejin right?'

'Yeah. What do you want?'

'What a pretty name! Can we be friend?'

'A friend is okay'

'Great. But why are you avoiding me?'

'Is it wrong? Sorry for being mean'

'I really like your attitude though'

'You're weird'

'You can say that again'

'Hmph. Your funny: )'

'You too'

'You aren't trying to flirt me right? I'm not your fans. I'm just a friend'

'Why would I do that. And I hate people fangirl and tried to flirt'

'Hmm..I'm going to sleep now. Because of this boring speech'

'You can sleep and I would just stare at you'


I smile at him and he smile back. I lay on my arm at the table and sleep. He really did stare at me.

Wonwoo Pov

I would stare her all day. She look like an angel. Her hair cover her beautiful face so I put her hair aside her ear. I rest my head on my arm and stare at her.

"Your beautiful" I said it to myself.


I nudge her arm to make her awake. "Wae? Is it lunch?" She asked me while rubbing her eye and I nod. She stretch her arm up. "Thanks for waking me up".

"Anything for you" I wink at her. I can see her blushing.

"Hyejin-ssi...Is that your new boyfriend?" I think that was Hyejin's bestfriend. Say yes Hyejin. Please Say yes. Wow just in first day i said this

"He is not my boyfriend. Stop saying that. He is just a friend" my heart fell down because of her answer but it's okay

"Hi. I'm Wonwoo" I lean my hand.

"Hi. I'm Naeun" she shook my hand. "You look perfect with her" she whisper to me and I chuckle.

"Hey, sup bro. I'm Mingyu, Hyejin's brother" he put his arm around my shoulders and I kinda gasp that he is her brother. "Come on. I help you meet with the other guys" he wink at some girls or maybe it was just Naeun or hyejin.


So how's my story? Pls comment and voted. I know it is bored. I'm sorry if I have a mistake on grammar, vocabulary and anything.

See ya:)

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