26- Dream

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Dino's Pov

I was walking on the hallways when I heard someone was talking. I eavesdrop on the door beside me and I heard girls chat.

"Yah I don't want to do it. I'm not brave enough" the girl said. "Just bring her to a dark place and push her and kill her. Act innocent and tell someone you hate did that. Understand?! I'm not going to repeat it again" she yelled. Who are they trying to kill?

"Yes ma'am"

I hide not far away from there when I heard footsteps are going out from there. I'm suspecting one person.

"Don't tell anyone about it or I'm the one killing you. I'll give you a reward if you did it. I'll make that S.coups boy to like you" her evil voice was heard as I took a peak and saw her again. Aish... This stupid woman, she made a nerd girl to kill who else, Hyejin. I better tell noona.

Seungcheol's Pov

"I'M BORED! LET'S DO SOMETHING FUN!" Seungkwan shouted with his high pitch voice.

"Shut up. There's noting to do" I lazily said it.

"Where's Dino? I want to bully him!" Hansol yelled. "Please don't bully baby Dino" Jeonghan said.

"Yah, how about planning to have a party?" Dk suggest. Everyone nod except me. "It's not going to be that fun without Wonwoo" they all nod again.

Everyone sigh including me. "Let's just dance or sing or whatever" Hoshi suggest. "Let's play a game. Who lose will-" I've been cutt off.

"Buy me a shampoo" The8 said.

"No. Buy shampoo for me" Jeonghan flip his hair.

"But I want it to be kissing Dino" Seungkwan said. Everyone laugh. "That's a good punishment" Jun giggle. "So you agree with that?" Everyone nods.

"But I need shampoo too" Minghao muttered and his face look like -_-.

"We'll buy it later Ming" I said. "Thanks hyung!" He cheer happily.

"So what are we going to play?" Dk asked. "Something we all good at or not" Woozi said. All of them making the 'hmm' sound to think.

Joshua flick his finger and we all look at him. "How about a-"

Dino slammed the door open while panting. "Are you being chase by a dog again?"I asked. "No" he catching his breath.

"Do you guys see noona?" They shook their head except me. I sigh heavily. "She didn't go to school today with Mingyu. Wae?" I cross my arm.

He told us everything about it and I wish to kill 'her' for messing someone's life for just a boys. "That son of bitch!" Joshua yelled.

"Calm down Hyung" Dk pat his shoulder. "We better warn her to not be so close with that nerd girl" Dino said.

Minghao and Jun giggles because that girl like me. "Hajima" I glare at them.

"What does she look like?" Jun asked. "Aaahhh... She wear glasses and her hair was not that long but it similar to Jeonghan hyung's hair but not fabulous. She seem to be shy and coward but because of her she want to brave herself" he said.

"I think she's in my class" Hoshi muttered. "Mwo? At your class?" Joshua said in disbelief. "Yeah I think. Her name was..was.. Choi Jiyeon" he replied.

"Wait!" All of us stopped from doing anything. "Yeh it's her. Sorry, I'm not confident though" he smile awkwardly. This kid.. I headlock him and he struggle to eacape.

"You almost gave me a heart attack" I ruffle his hair. "Hyung, mianhae. You're making my hair messy!" He yelled.

"Make his hair more messier! He deserve it for scarring us" Woozi exclaim. The others join making his hair messy and I laugh so hard.

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