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Hyejin's Pov

"Anyeonghaseyo. My name is Kang Hyejin, please take care of me" she bow.

WHAT? That mean two HYEJIN?

"So there will be two Hyejin here. Please take a sit beside Wonwoo, that was on the other side. And Mr.jeon please give a tour around this school for her, later" Mr park tell her and she slightly bow at him.

Many boys like her already especially the kingka in this class. Mingyu, Joshua, dk and holy shit! Why does Wonwoo keep staring at her. I really have a bad feeling about this. Then the first lesson is start. It was maths. The teacher keep explaining things and things. How should I focus right now? Wonwoo and that other Hyejin was whispering. I know I feel that was in my heart, jealous.

"Wonwoo-ssi" I called him a several time but he keep ignoring me. Now it will be hard to confess to him. "Wonwoo-ssi".

"Wae?" That isn't as usual. He will always be like 'what do you want Jagi?'.

"Ah-ahh....Nothing" he look back at Hyejin and I was left. Does he didn't have any heart for me now? Does he like her? This is just a shit! Girls are faster than a boy to get jealous.

I can't help myself from being jelly and now I know how do it feel to have a crush or a boyfriend. I lay down on my arm and buried my face on it. My heart aches a little. Then I start to doze off.

>>Time passes>>

"Hyejin-ssi, Hyejin-ssi" a man voice just poke my arm. I woke up and rub my eyes so the vision will be bright. I thought it was Wonwoo but it was Joshua with his geng and Naeun.

"Where's Wonwoo?" I asked.

"He's touring the new girl. Don't be sad right now. Let's have lunch" Dokyeom or known as Dk told me so I just nodded. Why did Wonwoo didn't wake me up? He has change, he didn't love me anymore. I sigh heavily. My heart start to feel aches again.

I sit with them and play with my food. I didn't care about the people glaring at me. I push my tray and all of the kingka and Naeun look so worried.

"I lost my appetite" I walked away and go to the rooftop. I hugged my leg and look at the sky. It was pretty. The next lesson will be sport. I sighed and suddenly someone sit beside me. I took a glance to see Mingyu staring at me. Someone put his arm around my shoulder. I look at him who has the cute  eyes. I weakly smile at them.

"Hyejin-ssi" Naeun hugged me from the back. "Don't be sad Hyejin-ssi. Remember that you never give up. Don't let her steal his heart. Let that pain get into your heart and you are-"

"Better than that. You have the power to control him. Get that answer from your heart" Hoshi cut off Naeun words. I hug him and he hugged me back. I pulled back and Mingyu peck my cheeks. They all try to support me.

"Thanks guys. I'll go to the class now"

"Fighting!" The three of them said in the same time. I respond back and went to my class.

I took a deep breath before going in. But what I see was much more terrifying. Wonwoo and that girl were kissing  without any person in the class. That was fucking crazy! And he seems so happy to be with her. My heart aches so much. Tears storm out from my eyes and I look away before they noticing it. I ran away and hugged my brother on the hallway. I didn't care the people are staring. Mingyu dragged me out with his friends and hugged me tightly.

"What happen babe?" He brushed my hair wisely.

"Wonwoo-ssi*sniff*Pabo!" I shouted.

"Guys, I saw Wonwoo-ssi kis- Hyejin-ssi, you saw it?" I cry more and nod a little.

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