♡Bonus chapter♡

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7 years later

So you and wonwoo are still a couple and you're happy that you were still with him. He was still as sweet and all. You were totally happy that his carrer is getting famous. The fan ships both of you and the haters was still a hater.

He was about to have a comeback again so he was busy practicing their dance and you would just bring them food and sit at the back. Well you as an assistant manager. Yeah they wanted you to have this jobs so you agree.

"Okay guys one more practice" hoshi shouted as the other groan.

"But it's 3 am right now" joshua pouted.

"Yeah it's been two hours we didn't have a break. My leg feels it was about to break soon" mingyu whined.

"But this will be the last one and we continue again at 10 in the morning" hoshi yelled while panting hard. The other start to groan again.

"Waeyo????!!" Woozi whined cutely while stompping his feet.

"Cuz SEUNGKWAN and VERNON (lol verkwan) keep making mistake!"

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhyyyyyyuuuuuunnnnngggg~~!!!!" Dino whined. You giggle at their cute attitude. The boys mostly turn their head at you.

"Get ready hyejin" the manager warn. You gulped then nodded.

"NOONA!! PLEASE HELPEU!!" Dino begged at you and tried his best to do ageyo.

"Hahaha you're using jhope's accent" you chuckle.

"PLEASEU!!" The8 whined and do ageyo beside dino.

"hyejin-ah please help me- i mean us. I really want to go to my darling" woozi fake tears. Everyone turns silent and look at woozi confused.

"DARLING??!!! WHO??!"

"Fuck don't you know? It was my bed" he explain and cross his arm. the other sigh and you were still staring at him with wide eyes.

"Yah since when you've became suga?" you slap his arm lightly. He just laugh it off as they continue whining.

"Wonwoo hyung help us" they force wonwoo to stand infront of you as he only look at you speachless. Then a wide smile plastered on his face as he was doing ageyo.

"Jagiya~ You don't want to look at your oppa with panda eyes later~ i wanna break and sleep cuddling you~ i mi—" he been cut off by s.coups.

"Are you flirting or what?"

"Both. So what do you say jagiya?" He tilt his head with that cute smile. You melt at his cute ageyo.

"Arraseo" you sigh as you stood up. The others cheer as hoshi wear his angry face.

"Ok guys but let this be the last practice then we call it a day but tommorow you'll start practice again on 1 in the afternoon. Okay?" The guys agree and dino hughed you while thanking you. You saw hoshi sigh as you walked towards him.

"Hoshi... You shouldn't work hard too much. The others need to rest and so do you. You guys needs to be healthy. What if you got sick when you were having you're comeback? The fans might be worried and misses you" you explain and he nodded his head while hugging you. You saw the reflection of the other thumbs up at you. You roll your eyes at them. You broke the hug and smile at hoshi.

"Ok guys last practice" he clapped and get into his position.

Wonwoo suddenly put his arm around your shoulder and whisper "Thanks jagiya~". Then back to practice.


You woke up early eventhough you sleep late. You remove wonwoo's arm around your waist carefully so he can't wake up then you take a shower and wear some crop top and skinny jeans  and some light make up before going down to greet your parents that was about to go to work. After they leave, you cook food for the boys later.

"Jagiya~" you turn your head around and saw wonwoo rubbing his eye with his hair messy.

"You should go back to sleep. It's still early" you told him in concern but he shook his head.

"But i want my beautiful girlfriend to cuddle beside me"he pouted.

"We cuddle later. Okay?"

"A little kiss" he pointed at his cheek. You sigh and walk towards him, you were about to kiss his cheek when he turn around. You pulled back and glare at him.

"I love you" he said cutely and hugged you before pecking your forehead and go back to your room to sleep.

"He never change" you smile idiotly.


"Jagiya~" he hugged you when you were playing with your phone.

"you already shower?" He nodded and kiss your cheek. He dragged you to the kitchen as you sit across him.

"My jagiya always cook well" he smile. Suddenly he push the plate as you look at him confused.

"Well i'm full"

"What? You just eat like 5 spoon and you're already full? Wow" you said in awe.

"Seeing your beautiful face make me full of butterflies" he smirked and rest his cheek on his palm.

"S-stop i-it" you stampered and cover your red face with your tiny hands.

"My jagiya is cute when blushing" he laugh and hug you. He remove your hands from your face and press his lips on yours. You kiss him back but you push him when you heard someone cough.

"I lost my appetite" mingyu glare to both of you and walk away. Then you both share a laugh.

A week later

The boys successfully having their comeback like always and they got number 1.

Right now you and wonwoo were around park looking at the beautiful stars. You intertwined your hands with him.

"Let's sit" you sit atthe bench as he just stand there, earning a look from you. "Waeyo?" He sigh and look into your eyes.

"We should break up" he straightforward as you look at him with wide eyes. Tears already rolled down your cheeks.

"After all these years we've been through and this happen? Why did you wanna broke up with me i did nothing wrong" your voice crack as he was just using his poker face as you slap cheek roughly and walk away. So this is life.

"Jagiya" his voice made you stop and he suddenly turn you around. A smile plastered on his face and you feel confused. He wipe your tears with his thumb as you slap it away.

"Don't touch me" you tried to walk away but he hold your wrist.

"I didn't finished explaining" he smirked and you sigh wiping your tears with your sleeve.

"My manager didn't want me to have a girlfriend" he explain.

"Instead he want me to have a wife. Will you be the one?"

You look at him in surprised as you hugged him tightly. Cried on his chest while hitting it.

"Pabo! Pabo! Pabo! You almost make me hurt more" you cried.

"But i didn't. So will you?" He pulled you back and wipe your tears as you nodded.

"Well my cheeks hurt"

"Oh mianhae mianhae" you rub his cheek and he chuckle and cup your cheeks.

"I love you"

"I love you too" he kiss you passionately after that.

I'm sorry this is so lame and short gosh T.T

Thanks you all readers. I luv you. You guys make me feel like in the sky. So don't forget to vote and comment.



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