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Hyejin's Pov

We all go to detention except for Wonwoo. I sit between Mingyu and Naeun. In front me was Joshua. All of my classmate were studying but I just look at the book's picture. I write something on the paper and give it to Naeun when the teacher is not looking.

'Unnie, I bored'

'(Sigh) me too. I want to back home early to watch my favorite drama'

Jh(Joshua) 'I want to go back early too. I want to play my guitar and sing'

Mg(Mingyu) 'I want to sleep and have some snack'

'I wanted to sleep to oppa.(high-5)'

Mg '(high-5 back)how did Wonwoo didn't get in detention?'

Jh 'Maybe he didn't sleep'

Na(Naeun) 'or maybe the teacher like him'

'That's nonsense. Maybe just because his new'

Jh 'I think that right. Do you like Wonwoo?'

Mg 'Oooouuu. You two look so match though'

Na 'yeah. He even save you from being bullied. What are you guys doing after that?'

'Yah! I didn't have 1 feeling for him. Oppa you look so annoying. I'm going to tell You later unnie. I don't  want them to know'

Na 'Omo! Miss annoying is coming'

Naeun give that paper to Joshua. Then we all pretending to study. When the teacher we're at another table, we sigh in relief. That was so close.

After two hour of detention we finally get out. "This is so crazy" I muttered.

"So, you're going to tell me?" Naeun look really serious right now.

"Oh, yeah. He hug me after the bullied girl running away" I mumble while smiling with a little blushed.

"That mean he likes you" Joshua suddenly interrupted and my face was  getting redder.

"You heard what I've said?"

"Yeah. Your voice are like Mingyu. It mean loud" he pointed Mingyu using his eyes.

"Yah! I'm not like Mingyu, gentlemen Joshua Hong!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yah! Stop fighting guys!" Nauen stop us fight as I glare at him. "Isn't that Wonwoo?" She pointed him at the school gate. "Omo, maybe he is waiting for you".

"I don't think it is" I bit my lips because of the nervousness. If he say your name, just ignored it. I look down and one shadow walk toward me.

"Hyejin. I've been waiting for you" Wonwoo spoke up and i just stopped with all my cheeks turning red. Why does he need to wait me. Naeun and Joshua walked away so we can be alone.

Wonwoo's Pov

"What do you want from me, weirdo?" She asked me angrily.

"I just wanted to hang out with you" I  pinch her cheek and she rub it because it's hurt, i think. "Is it hurt? Sorry" I apologize to her and cupped her cheek with my hand. She is damn cute.

My face was getting closer and closer to her. When my face and her we're in a few centimetres, I close my eyes and lean my lips towards her. first she was hesitate but then she got used to it and it become more passionately. Her lips was perfectly locked with mine. Butterfly start flattering on my stomach. I pulled back and we look at the other way, avoiding eye contact and keep silent. My head start getting hot.

"why'd you do some cheesy things in your first day of school?" She broke the silent. I stare at her blushing so much.

"It was really weird for me too. When I was school at the other places, I will be all awkward to everyone. But this place change me after I met you. And..." I stopped. Should I confess? It will be weird, it was just my first day of school.

"And what?" She mumble while frowning at me. I keep silent but still staring at her. "Yah, answer me".

She waved her hand infornt of my face and I grab her wrist while smile cheekily at her. "And I just want to protect you from all of those bad people" I made up a new explanation. If I tell her right now, she didn't want to accept my heart towards her.
"But why you kiss me?" She curiously asked me. I gulped.

"I didn't mean to do that. Just pretend that it never happened. And don't tell anyone about that or you'll get tease and bullied" I said randomly so she didn't get so curious about it. She nodded her head and I feel so relief. I put my arm around her shoulder and I noticed she is blushing again. The both of us walked to get to her house. I heard she humming a song. It was bts song, I need you.

"Your a fan of bts, huh?"

"Yeah. I'm a ARMY"

"Oh. So how's detention?"

"It was really intense. How come you didn't get in detention?"

"I don't know why. I was spaceing out that moment and I was really bored too"

"Aish..She thought that you we're studying. That's why" I took a glance at her. Then we we're in front of her house.

I asked her for a hug but she refuse. "You think I'm free of charge? one hug would cost one hundred dollars" she scold me and I chuckle.

"A kiss will be better than one hundred dollars, you know" I tease her and forced her chin up to look at me. She push me and blushed so hard. "Your cute" I laugh looking at her cute red face.

"Stop it!" She yelled at me.

"So, hug or kiss?"

"Is there another option?" I shook my head saying no. She sigh heavily and hug me. It was really surprising that she wanted to do it when she could just went inside the house. She pulled back and smile at me. "Solved. Bye see you tommor-"

"Wait. I need your numbers" I cut off her sentences and she gave me her number. I wink at her and she look confuse with her pink cheek.

She went to her house and now it's time for me to go. I feel the vibrate from my pocket. I fished out my phone and there's a message  from unknown.

'Meet me at building ***. Floor 6, Today'
Keep supporting me. Sorry again for any of my mistake. I'm looking forward that your going to voted. Annyong!

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