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Oh god my Wattpad has problem. It just a few at the end if you already read it.

Peaceful day walking on the sandy floor with the wind blowing my hair. The sun feels nice and can be more happier with wonwoo today.

"I want beverage" i said after sitting down on the sand. But i was just too lazy to stand up again but i have to, no one will take it for me. Then i want to stand up but only weight and warmth was surrounding me.

"I heard you're here jagiya" a familiar voice said but i already knew it was wonwoo.

"Wonwoo?" I asked wanted to make sure since i daydream a lot nowdays. I stood up and turn around. My eyes widened.

"You're back!" i hugged him tightly. He accepted my hug. "I've miss you!"

"Same here" he pulled back and look at me. "Why are you here alone on a hot day?" He asked confused.

"Nothing. I just wanted to have a fresh air" i smile happily.

"Well come on, mans are looking at your legs. They are perverts" he said, giving death glare at them and put his arm around my shoulder, wanted to protect me.

"You should tell me when you wanted to get out like this" he frown.

"Why would I, you're just my boyfriend and I already told my parents" i roll my eyes at him.

"That's not how you're supposed to say jagi. I'll be your future husband" he smirked while pinching my cheeks.

"You don't know if we're fate or not" i slapped his hand away from my cheek.

"Well we are fate with each other" he smile widely.

"What makes you think that?" I furrowed my brows.

'Our soul connected hyejin-ah. If only i could tell you that but i don't want to or you can't sleep tonight thinking about it and why in the world i save you from all of those danger' he thought to himself.

"Um wonwoo are you there?" i asked and he just gave me a box smile.


"Mm?" i humm turning my head to him.

"Wanna get married?" He asked in a serious tone. My eyes widened a bit

"You're joking right? Well you got me there" i laugh but it slows down when he was serious. "Um... I want to but i'm still school remember?" I smile awkwardly.

"Yeah after that can we?"

"I still need to go collage, university, study overseas, find jobs and get to my dream" i said happily.

"Ouh...what's your dream btw?"

"My dream is your dream" I smile widely. He smile back at me.

"That's why I love you jagiya" he brushes his nose on mine. I chuckle quietly.

"But i'm still not sure if i'm going to marry you"

"Why? You don't wanted to marry me?"

"Of course i want. it just that i'm not sure about it, seriously"

"Don't worry about it. I'll just wait huh?" He smile at me and giggle. How cute...

"Oh oppa. Why didn't you tell me first before telling the fans about us?" I pout while putting my hand on my hips.

"I just want to make it a surprised"

"Wow nice surprised" I rolled my eyes.

"Fans love you don't worry" he hugged me and i chuckle. "Now let's get something. You said you want drinks right?" I nodded my head.

If Only i Could⇨Seventeen WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now