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Hyejin's Pov

I woke up early in the morning before my alarm. I sit up and suddenly the alarm was ringing a Got7 song, just right.

'Baby, you are, just. Just right' I sang along and turn it off. My hair was so messy and I take a shower. I wear the school uniform, wear a lipbum and comb my hair, making it into a mesy bun. Do I look pretty? Wait... why did I follow his orders? It doesn't matter. Suddenly the doors open and reveal mingyu.

"Hyejin-...Wow you look so beautiful baby. What's up? Oh and btw breakfast Is ready" he smile at me and I chuckle with a little blushed. I nod my head and he get out of my room.

I take my bag and went downstairs. Mingyu prepare my favorite breakfast. "(Your favorite)!!" I sit down and ate it. I make the 'mmm..'  sound to tell him that it was incredibly delicious. He smile and ruffled my hair. "Oppa, Saranghae!".

I hug him tightly before we go to school. I walked on going to my locker and suddenly Naeun run toward me and hugged.

"Why do you look so beautiful today?" she lift her left eyebrow and look at me head to toe

"Nothing, I just feel like it" I calmly lied.

"You aren't going to flirt wonwoo with this?"

"Why would I?!" I yelled her a little and she chuckle.

"Hyejin-ah, are you and wonwoo a couple now?"

"No. Eonni please don't think about that" I tell her and she pout. I take all the things I need from the locker and walked to the class with Naeun. We enter the class and no sign of wonwoo yet. I thought he would come early. Maybe he just a slowpoke.

I sit at my place and try to relax a bit. Suddenly it was pitch black. Someone have been cover my eyes. It was a big hand compared to mine.

"Hyejin-ah. Who do you think it is?" Naeun spoke up. "It must be right. If you are wrong you'll have to KISS wonwoo in front of us" she volume up her voice when she said KISS. I gulp. Omg. What if I got wrong?

"Wonwoo isn't here yet, right?" I asked them and they just humm 'aha'(love me right aha). I sigh heavily. I pinch his or her hand. I realize  that it was a men. He is in pain.

"Joshua!" He realese me and I can see the sun is so bright. I turned around and it was...Wonwoo. Shit! They lied to me. Now I have to kiss him. I hate this i hate this.

"I really can't imagine you are kissing. This will be the first kiss you ever had" Naeun feel really excited and her face look like this- >.<

"Huh...I'll be at rooftop when it's lunchtime" I sigh heavily and the bell rang.

It was history and I didn't sleep cuz I keep thinking about what will happen there.

"Hey, you look pretty and cute jagi" he whisper and I look away blushing.

"So, you never kiss anyone before?"

"Yeah. You are the first one who ever kiss me"

Wonwoo's Pov

Yes! I get the first kiss! I really like to kiss her again though. I hope later will be longer than before.

"Are you here from the start?"

"Well, yeah" I nod and look at the board.

"Jagi?" She look at me and I gasp.

"Don't call me that" she just realized it and cover her face.

"But I like calling you that" I really like to called her, something sweet and cute. She punch my arm lightly and I giggle. She look extremely cute. I pinch her cheek. "My jagiya is so cute today".

"Stop calling me that" she whisper yelled at me.

"Fine. Let's have a competition. In one day you must not blushed or you will lose. If you win I didn't called you jagi or something sweet"

Hyejin's Pov

My eyes widened and my jaws drop. He keep chuckle and stare at me. "Start now!".

"What?! I'm not ready yet!" I yelled at him and close my mouth because I'm too loud. All the people turn around and look at me. I stood up and bow 90°. "Mianhae, miss jang".

"Gwaenchana. Just don't do that again" miss jang apologize and sat down. I feel so relief. That's the first time she was kind.

"Phew, I'm so lucky" I muttered and blushed a bit. I calm myself up and I'm  back to normal.

"You look so calm. May we start?" He was too serious about this. I sigh a little and nod. I didn't understand why was my heartbeat pouncing.

"This is just to easy for me. Hyejin-ah"

"Wha-" he cut me off and I was shocked but it's more a bit surprised. He peck my lips. He pulled back and I become a tomato already. "Unfair! You do-". He peck my lips again.

"I won, jagi" he laugh and I roll my eyes at him. "I will called you hyejin when there was people. You don't have to worry,babe".


Sorry about the late update. I was busy from school. And I hate it! I hope you like my stories. Wonwoo is so sweet. Thanks for reading!

What will happen on the rooftop?

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