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Hyejin's Pov

"Took you so long" he said.

"Sorry" I hung my head down.

"It doesn't matter, anyways" he give me a box smile. I smile back. "So, do you confess to him already?" I shook my head and bit my upper lips.

"He doesn't even like me or love me. He already like that Hyejin" I muttered.

"What's make you think that? What if your mistaken? When I look at him, he seems to be loving you.... so much" he said nervously. I nodded cuz I feel the same way. "So what happens betwe-"

"I don't want to talk about it" I yelled a little and talk fast. "What do you even want to talk about?" I rolled my eyes.

"Tbh it was nothing. I just wanted to asked you about wonwoo and try to look at his reaction when I wink twice at you. Maybe he will punch me or something, that I bother his girl and trying to asking you out" he sigh. I smile at him and he smirk.

"Let have a walk" I ask him and stood up. He smile and stood up too. We start to walk around the park. We laugh and talk so much, just like when I was with Wonwoo.

"Hey, that couple looks familiar though" he point to a couple walking towards here. I can't see their face from the far but I noticed that the girl was linking her arm with that guy. I stopped and so do bambam.

"Wa-wasn't that Won-wonwoo and Hyeji-hyejin?"  I shuttered. I tried my best not to let my tears fall. "I think we should hide" I was panic while I was looking to the left and right.

"Calm down, there's no way to hide from here. Put your hoodie on, here my sunglasses, my mask and try to act normal. I mean act like my girlfriend, maybe they are not gonna recognize you" I nodded fast. I wear the sunglasses, mask and put my hoodie on. "Um.. your name will be Jihyo. Just in case, if they ask your name. If they ask to take off your mask, make up an excuse".

"Arraso. Aigoo...This is so hard" I muttered. He hold my hand and I was 100% nervous.

"One more thing, if they ask to kiss, please make up an excuse or just kiss me" he whisper when we start walking. My eyes widened and I make the 'what' look but he can't see it. We are getting close to them and was about to pass by but Wonwoo spoke up.

"Wait? Bambam?" The both of us turn around and look at him curiously. "Aren't you with Hyejin?" I gulped.

"She already go home" Bambam said in confident.

"Who's this?" Hyejin asked while using her disgust face.

"This is my girlfriend, Jihyo" it starting right now. He nudge my arm and I let out my hand.

"Hi, I-I'm song J-Jihyo. Nice to meet you" I shuttered and bit my lips. Fuck! This is so terrifying. My heart is about to explode. I even look up to see Wonwoo. He was staring at me.

"Wonwoo's gfriend, Kang Hyejin" she shake my hand and let go. Wonwoo's gfriend? What the fuck! Are they really a couple now? My eyes become watery and I just make it didn't fall out.

Wonwoo's Pov

"Wonwoo's gfriend, Kang Hyejin" shit! This girl is an idiot. I keep looking at this jihyo. She seem to be Hyejin for some reason. All that I knew Hyejin wear a pink bra but now I can't see it. That the only clue I know.But her voice seems the same.

"Why are you wearing a mask?" I asked her and she look like dying.

"Um...Because someone punch me in the face and now it have a big scar" she look at bambam and he did too. I think their making an eye contact. I can't think of anything about Hyejin. I just only keep remember about her bra.

"Can I look at your bra?" I blurted out.

"Ne?" All of their eyes widened and I can see her face was a little pink. She cover her chest with her hand.

"Oppa, are you trying to be a pervert?" Hyejin said and punch my arm. I blushed a little. I look away and my head burns like hell.

"Mian, I blurted out" I apologize.

"Gweanchana" she said and I smile. Then I notice on her neck, the necklace that I bought for her.

"Where did you buy that neaklace?" She look at her neaklace and bit her lips I think.

"Bambam buy this for me from the-"

"Accessories store on Thailand" Bambam cutt her off. What? Thailand? That's too far away. "Um...I think we should go now" he said and she wave at us and turn around with Bambam.

"Why do you ask to look at her bra?" Hyejin said while glareing at me.

"Just forget about that now" I look at the other way. I can tell she pout, even though I can't see it.

Hyejin's Pov

We ran away to a tree and sit there, panting. "Man it driving me crazy!" I take off the mask and the sunglassess and gave it to him. "And why would he ask to look at my bra? That cute pervert!" I yelled at myself.

"Yeah! My eyes were open wide when he said that. Maybe he remember about something"  Bambam lay on the grass. "Why do you wear that necklace? He recognize it".

"I wear it every time because this is the only thing, I had left" tears just fall out from my eyes while I was looking at the necklace. "She even said Wonwoo's gfriend to herself" tears drooling over my face.

"Sshhh... Don't try to think that" he hugged me and I cry on his chest. My eyes now become red and puffy because crying so much. I pulled back and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. "Come on, let's get out from here" he stood up and lean his hand. I grab it and stand.

"Thanks for everything Bambam" I smile a bit. He grin and we walk out from the park. "Um..bye. I want to have a walk a little more. So i can spend some time alone" I chuckle and I walked away but he stop me.

"Wait for a sec. Um.." he rub the back of his neck. I was abt to say something but he quickly give me a hug. He pulled back and gave me the sorry look.

"Don't worry. I understand" he smile widely at me. I turn around and walk away. I walk to where my legs want to go. I just look down and don't care when I'm bump people. I cross my arm and my hoodie is still on my head. I keep thinking about Wonwoo. And I feel like I wanted to die. I walk slowly on the street.

Wonwoo-ssi...Why didn't you like me? I thought that you would like me or love me when I'm with you. Why? Why did you like that bitch than me? I really need your warm hug right now. Why do you called me jagi when you didn't even love me? I really wanted to die now because of that. I feel miserable that you always aches my heart. I really really feel like dying right now. *sigh* Now I know why life is hard. Well, I can just shut up and die.

I was still walking on the street. I look at my phone and there's was 50 miss call from Wonwoo and 5 miss call from Mingyu. I just ignore it and i suddenly touch on the gallery. I saw that day we have a picture together. My eyes are boiling up and it fall down from my eyes. I put the phone back in my pocket and I look up to the sky, it was moody. It's start raining when I hung my head down and my legs start walk fast. I just follow where's it's want to go. The rain become heavier than before and I only heard the rain sound, nothing else.

"Hy-in!" I didn't heard clearly, who is shouting to called someone, I think. I just keep on moving. Then one place I just stop, on the road. There was a fast car that is ready to hit me. I just keep crying and my life is now over. "Hyejin!"


It's boring right? I'm not good at making this stuff though. I'm sorry for any of my mistake. I sorry for the late update and I feel really really really tired, right now. Please voted and comment. Thank you all readers and I love chu~ :*

Will Hyejin be alive or die?

Happy birthday to Vernon, doekyeom and jhope (18/2)

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