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Wonwoo's Pov

It's already the next day and she still hasn't woke up yet. I just play with my phone, laying on the bed. when i'm awake, she's not and when i'm not, she's awake. Can we just both awake at the sa- omo

"Jagiya gwenchana?" I concerned about her while slowly walk to her and sit on her bed. I look at my phone 17:30, the same as when she gets shot.

"erm...where am i?" she slowly tried to sit but i tell her not to so she did what i've said.

"You're still at the hospital but different room and unexpectedly the room number was the same as hoshi's birthday.. a- wait why am i telling you all this?" I mumble and shook my head. She just stare at me without anything coming out from her mouth.

"Ah-jagiya, are you really okay?"

"Ne. But what happen to kang hyejin?" She asked and rub her eyes several times.

"I don't know. i just don't want to care about her. How could she wanted to kill my jagiya, it's not like i'm going to like her anyway" i roll my eyes when i said about that girl. She giggle and hold my hand.

"Where's mingyu oppa and the others?"

"Probably home or at the dorm or having a concert right now" i shrug, not caring about them cuz they all tell me nothing.

"I miss the time we spend our time with each other" she stare at the ceilings and smile idiotly.

"do you still wear the necklace that I buy for you?"

"Ne. I always wear it" she show it to me. I ruffle her hair and smile. "Wait.. so are we like. a couple now?"

"if you agree with it, i'm okay"

"It better than okay" she giggle as i peck her lips and she playfully punch my chest with a little blush on her cheeks.

"you know, i didn't see a ghost or anything when I'm a soul" i pout. She raised her eyebrows.

"Why? do you want to see it? it's not interesting"

"I know you're scared of the ghost that's why you have no interest. And i'm a loner being a soul and it's bored. i thought i was dark"

"You never be dark for me though" she smile ear to ear. Wow she's really the one who make me bright. I then stare at my phone, just because i see mingyu's text.

was hyejin awake already?


DON'T ASKED ME about the love at the end of his name. I'm warning you. If you wanna know why it's because i haven't play with my phone and i accidently put that when i save his number. I'm gonna change it

handsome gyu
k. I'll be there 😘

Don't say anything about it. And what's with the emoji? Ew? I guess

"Mingyu is-oh" she asleep. That's just cute. I brush her hair and peck her cheek.

"MY BABY!!" me and hyejin was startled to this tall guys who just shouted. She's sit as Mingyu hug her tightly.

"I thought your baby is dino" vernon giggle.

"Dino is Jeonghan's baby. Not mine" he pointed at the angel. Jeonghan roll his eyes.

"Oppa. let me go" she told. The giant let go of her and she breath heavily and lay back down on the bed.

"She was about to sleep but you here shouting like an idiot" i sigh.

"I just missing her that much" he pout.

"It just one day" josh facepalm.

"Aish, you guys are terrible"

"Not that terrible like your drawing" seungkwan stare at his nails, what is he? A girl? I can sense mingyu glared at him

"That just drawing for bored people!"

"But we saw it. You wanted to draw anime" hoshi said.

"And it's looks like a pig + turtle" dk laugh after he said that.

"You guys are stalker!"

"Ewww. We never be your stalker" seungkwan said in disgust. Diva was just here, more drama. I kinda stress of hearing mingyu with BOOSEOKSOON to fight. booseoksoon is the playful one and idiots.

"Hyung, do you want something to eat?" The maknae asked.

"We have tteobokki, jajjamyeon, kimbap, kimchi and this and that and this and that and that again" The8 said many times while pointing at the food. I guess he didn't know all the name.

"Save the tteobokki and jajjamyeon for me please. I going to sleep kay?" I ruffle both of their hair. They both nodded with a smile. I gave them one last smile before drifting off to sleep.

Joshua's Pov

"Guys, let's just eat now" I command and stop seungkwan and mingyu from fighting over some drawing.

"Tteobokki and jajjamyeon is for wonwoo hyung" dino muttered.

"But i kinda want jajjamyeon" mingyu pout and rub his temple. "Can I just have a bite? Wonwoo won't be mad at me^v^" he said happily and eat a lot of it. I facepalm while sighing heavily.

"You shouldn't do that gyu" i complain at him.

"I'm just hungry hyung and it was delicious" he gladly take a huge bite again. He shouldn't do this. He probably have many sins.

"Can i have some? It's seem yummy" dk gulped his saliva and stare at the food.

"Why did you guys only buy one jajjamyeon huh?" S.coups asked while snatching the food from the younger. "wow you eat a lot" s.coups said in awe.

"Just put it back. I'm full already but 1 more kimbap before going to sleep" mingyu ate 2 or 3 kimbap and go to the chair.

"Is he always did this at home?" I asked.

"Probably not" jun answered.

"Maybe he was drawing terribly at home" seungkwan said outloud.

"I never draw at home. And my drawing is not that terrible! I just sleep and relax at home"

"I really wanted to know what's inside his room" seungkwan muttered.

"i never went in his room though" dk said and rest his chin on his palm.

"I think hyejin never saw it too" hoshi gasp. booseoksoon is on their ways again

"Don't try to plan about sneakin-"

"We already did" hoshi smirked, i sigh like i don't know how many times already.

"You guys never learn a lesson after that" s.coups mumble.


Okay i hate myself now and i sometimes i think i should delete this book. But i don't want to since this is my first ff. i kinda hate this book now, idky.


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