4- "Is it True?"

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Wonwoo's Pov

'Meet me at building ***. Floor 6, Today'

Mwo? Who the heck want to meet me? Should I go now or later? Its better go right now. I go to that building. It was some sort of a company. I go to floor 6 and went to some room or office or something. I find out what room it was. I knock the door and get in. It was totally big.

"You've come, Jeon Wonwoo. Please take a sit" a man spoke up. I can't see his face. He's looking at the window. And I sat the sofa.

"How did you know me?"

"Hmph.. How's your new school?" he didn't answer my question. How does he know about me?


"Do you meet that girl? Hyejin?" My eyes widened. What is he? Am i dreaming? This is kinda crazy. I slap myself hard and it is not a dream. It was real life.

"Yes, I met her.what do you want from me? And who are you?"

"I just want to tell you something. You and Hyejin are... meant to be together. I want to advice you about something too. If Hyejin die, you are going to die too. But if you die, nothing happen to her. Both of your soul are connected" he explain about this crazy junk. My jaws drop and he start chuckle.

"Do you think I would believe that?"

"You have to. If you don't believe, kill her and how it going to be. You feel really close with Hyejin right? But anyone else you kinda feel so awkward" I nodded and humm saying yes. What the fuck is going on here? He knows everything. "And you even kiss her" he laugh and I feel really confuse. Was that really funny?

"You can go now. You can have some of the kimbap on the table" I take one roll of kimbap and go home saying goodnight at him.

Is it true? I went home and jump on the bed. It was really exhausted. I rest for a sec and have a shower. After I wore my clothes, I look at my phone. I text hyejin.

Hyejin's Pov

I was watching my favorite program with mingyu and suddenly my phone got a message. I really didn't recognize the number. I look at it.

'Hi. Mr Weirdo is here'

I smile by myself. It was from wonwoo.

'Hey, wonwoo'

'Jagiya. What are you doing right now?'

What the fuck. He just called me his. Just remember he is stupid.

'Don't called me that, pabo. I'm watching my favorite program right now. So don't disturb me'

'Arraso, just don't forget. Be pretty tommorow'


'Okay, bye jagi'

'Stop calling me that! Bye pabo!!'

I close my phone  while putting it on my laps and sigh heavily. Mingyu look at me curiously. "Who are you texting with?".

"It just some crazy people" I chuckle and he sat closely beside me. His face was getting closer and look at my eye.

"You lied. Your face telling me you lied. And you blush too" he calmly said it and look away. I didn't realize I'm blushing. I rest my head on his shoulder and hug his arm. He smile cutely at me and I smile back. "Who text you?"


"Who's that?"

"Wonwoo-ssi" I said cutely and he just smile again at me. Even he is my annoying brother, he look so cute. After my favorite program end, I yawn so hard.

"Tired?" He asked me while brushing my hair. I nodded. "Get to sleep and don't do anything" he peck my cheek and I go upstairs after I said goodnight at him.

I'm sorry if I didn't update. It's 2016 and school is coming. If I didn't update, it mean I'm busy. Please voted and comment. e.e Gomawo?

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