10-Should i?

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Hyejin's Pov

"Oppa, I'm so sorry to broke the promised. I promised I'm not gonna do that again, I swear. Oppa, please forgive me" I cried. Many tear strolling down to my face and i hung my head down.


Someone put me in his embrace and I know who it was won-. Wait... why is he crying? Oh, I'm wrong. It was Mingyu.

"Oppa?" He tighten the hug and I brush his hair.

"Don't feel so sorry about it, babe. I love you and I don't want to hurt your heart. I didn't mean to be mad or something. So it's okay if you called him Oppa cuz you..." he cried and I make a sound that make him to continue.

"Cuz I think that you and wonwoo are going to be a couple" he whisper to my ears. In a few second, he pulled back and wiped my tears away. I smile weakly at him and wiped his tears.

He peck my lips and I thought he would kiss my cheek. That's a first he ever kiss me on the lips but it just take a few second and not like wonwoo, who always wanted to take a long kiss.

"Gomawo Oppa. Saranghae" I hugged him for a sec.

"Well, that was terrifying from the start  but in the end it's so touchy" wonwoo spoke up and folded his arm. He look jealous of something. Mingyu smile because of something. And I don't know anything.

"Who's the last one put the plate on the sink will wash the dishes" I said and get a head start. I ran to the kichten but they are so fast so I'm the loser.

"Looks like the made up game just be the last one putting it. Good luck washing the dishes, babe" Mingyu wink at me and go to the living room. I look pale when I see many dishes are in the sink.

"This going to take forever" I groan as i start scrubbing the dishes.

"Who always wash it?" Wonwoo asked from the back.

"Me and Mingyu"

"Jagiya" I heard his voice was beside me so I turn to the left. My lips were crashed perfectly on his lips. I can't stand to pulled back and blushed so hard. He start to laugh and I bit my lips, looking away from him. I continue washing the dishes and suddenly he backhug me.

"What do you want pabo?"

"I just wanted to help you tha's all" he release me and help me. I start to sing shining diamond by seventeen. And when it's come to the rap, Wonwoo sing it because I don't know the lyrics and I'm not good at rapping. I thought that Wonwoo didn't know what I sing. But he is so awesome.

>>Time Passes>>

"Phew! Finnaly I have a break" I lay on the couch and Wonwoo sat at the other couch.

"Guys. Want to-"

DINGDONG!! The bell rang. I ran toward that door and open it. It was Naeun. She look so mad about something.


"Yah, hyejin. Why didn't you reply my texts?" She showed me the phone.

"Unnie, mian. I am busy washing the dishes and I didn't even touch my phone today"  I explained.

"Babe, Naeun. Want to see a movie?" mingyu suddenly asked the two of us. Then we just nodded and sat on the couch.

"Mianhae" I apologize to her and she just smile.

"It's okay. Did Mingyu just called you babe?" She seem surprised and I nod. She make the 'oh' look. Why do everyone have to feel surprised when Mingyu called me babe?

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