15-Why is it so Hard?!

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Hyejin's Pov

I woke up because I can feel someone is bothering my non-beauty sleep. I rub my eyes and look directly at Wonwoo. He was starring at me and smile a bit. I smile awkwardly and look at my watch, i was sleeping just in 15 minutes? I thought it will be a hour because I thought I'm not going to study on many boring stuff.

"You look worried" Wonwoo muttered, smiling. I smile back and nod.

"I was just bored that I have to wake up in this moment" I pout.

"What's making you awake by the way?" He raised his eyebrow.

"I feel that someone disturb my face and Aaa... I  thinks it was you" I gave a death glare at him. He giggle and I punch his arm lightly.

"Aish you figure it out and I have a reason to do that" he said. I tilt my head to make him to continue. "Because I was bored and I want to chat with you and stare at you... all day".

"Go play by yourself" I start to put my head on my arm but he pushed me on the chair so I can't have a sleep. He peck my cheek with his lips and my cheek was turning red. I gasp a little and look away when he is done.

"Don't make me play by myself, jagi" I nod while grinning like an idiot.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded. I just going to asked what's on my mind.

"Why do you look angry, before?"I crossed my arm and he's a bit surprised. He sigh but seem that he was going to say nothing.

"Nothing" told ya.

"Just tell me Oppa~" I whine cutely and pout after he pinch my cheek.

"It just... I'm-"

"Jealous? You saw it? I'm sorry, Lee Chan just can't help himself but he didn't do it. Then he confess to me and embaressed" I cut his sentence and apologies. He ruffle my hair, smiling.


"Huh?" I stare at him confused. He was about to say something but Hyejin tap his shoulder. I get closer to hear what are they taking about.

"Can we just do it later?" Wonwoo said in anger tone. What does it mean by that?

"But I want right now" she begged cutely.

"I have something to do right now so I didn't want it"

"But you said later"

"I already said don't want any of it" he sigh. He was about to turn around but Hyejin pushed him to look at her. But the thing is, it's  silent and suddenly I heard a sound that after someone was kissing.

"Happy?" He said. What? Does that mean they were kissing?

"Yeah. Can I have it again?" She asked. I can heard he sighing and nodded. Wtf?

I move back to how I sit before and still thinking about it. Water fill up my eyes but I didn't let it fall. I wipe my tears away and accidently sniff. Shit! I try my best to act normal and I know that wonwoo is going to turn around to look at me.

In a few second, he turn around and look at me. I act like nothing happened and look at the board. He suddenly hold my wrist and grip it softly. I look at him and frown. He's a bit surprised and release the grip. I avoid his gaze and look at the other way. I didn't know why I did that but my body move by itself.

"Jagiya" He called me softly. I still ignore him and rest my head on my arm but looking at the other way. Then I feel the table was a little shaky. I think wonwoo was bored and try to sleep.

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