New Year Traditions

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So hi! Five hours to go and it's 2016 here in the Philippines!

So this chapter, I'm just going to talk about the traditions and beliefs about New Year here in Philippines. A little fact here, China influenced so much traditions and beliefs here in the Philippines so mostly of them are alike to China. But anyway, here are some.

1.) Round Fruits
                             - in New Year, surely we have so many foods on the table and it will be missing if there is no round fruits such as oranges, apples, grapes, so are watermelons, pineapples or anything round or oblong. It is believed that it will give good luck for the whole year. And also, it was said if you ate 10 grapes it will give you good luck for the whole new year.

2.) Chicken
                    -instead of roasted chicken or whatever meals of Chicken, you should have no chicken meal on your New Year's food table. As you see, chickens scratch and peck the ground to find food. So there's this saying, "isang kahid, isang tuka". Scratch and peck as the chickens do. Now, it is believed that if there's a chicken meal in your New Year's table, for the whole year, you'll go unlucky. You'll work hard then the benefits will gone real quick. For example, you worked hard and you were paid 1,000 pesos then it will just get spend real quick because of some reasons. So it was always suggested to buy meat instead of chicken.

3.) Red
            - red is a lucky color during New Year's and Christmas if you may add. Red color brings luck causes people wear red clothes during New Year but it's fine if you don't want to. (I wear all black in New Year and Christmas lol). Candles are red, clothes are red, everything is red. Also, it will be partnered up with polka dots too!

Just imagine you're wearing a red dress with polka dots! Hahaha!

4.) Green!
               -besides of red, there should be green too! Green symbolizes money. So there should be green vegetables in you New Year's table so you guys will be lucky in money for the whole year!

Now imagine yourself wearing a red dress with green polka dots! Laughing out loud!

5.) Fireworks
                     - oh sure, what's a New Year without fireworks? I know other countries surely have fireworks too. Now, in the Philippines, you should be loud as you can! Going to fire up some fireworks, bang your gates, make your pans, bowls and other kitchen things and utensils slam to make a loud noise, scream and shout, trumpets and everything that is noisy. It is believed that noise takes away bad spirits and invites all the luck. Better scream when it hits 12 o' clock!

6.) Jump!
              - I always do this and guess what? It never happened! But I'm still hoping hehe. So, it is believed that if you jumped exactly 12 o' clock (or maybe not) in New Year, you'll grow taller. The higher you jump, the higher height you get!

7.) Circles, coins!
                            - round is lucky, so is circle of course! You should throw and spread all of the coins because it gives luck specifically in money. As I said, everything that is circle and round gives luck. Let's wear all of these polka dots clothes!

So there they are! All of the traditions and beliefs that I can think of! If you know some Philippine belief(s) during New Year then share it in the comment section! Happy New Year guys! Welcome 2016, goodbye 2015!

Year of the Monkey 🐒

Just a Chinese calendar over there.

Just Filipino Things.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon