Bella POV
I stomped off not even knowing where I am going. I stopped I needed water! I jumped into the water and just kept swimming until I became tired. I sort of blanked out I guess because I saw a boat. I started swimming toward it not even thinking.
I saw bubbles forming out of a propeller. I kept swimming closer and closer to that propeller it was almost putting me in a trance. I got bit too close because the propeller touched me and a surge of pain went through my arm. I stopped swimming for the pain was making me lose too much blood I blacked out. Sinking farther and farther deeper and deeper into the ocean.
Emma POV
I saw Ash's jaw drop practically to the ground.
"Emma you're a mermaid" said Ash shocked.
He kept creeping closer and closer. Making me feel uncomfortable so I kept sliding farther back until I was up against a the wall.
"Why didn't you tell me" he asked clearly hurt.
He stopped creeping closer seeing me uncomfortable.
"I-I wasn't sure I could trust you" as soon as the words came out of my mouth I knew that I had said something bad. My hand flew to my mouth. Hurt was all over Ash's face now. I felt so bad.
"No I didn't mean it that way I just didn't know how to I didn't want to creep you out" I tried to get up to run to him and give him a hug but I was restricted by my tail.
Tears were streaming down my face making my vision blurry I couldn't see Ash's face now. But I could see a figure moving closer to me though.
He was...hugging me?
"Ash-Ash what are you doing?" I asked through sobers.
"I know how hard this is to you and now I understand you so much better I am glad now because know their aren't anymore secrets between us" he said.
"Wait you aren't creeped out?" I was utterly confused.
"Because I love you so I wouldn't care." He leaned in for a kiss and I answered it.
POV Cleo
Sam drove us to the mall.
Kim wouldn't stop blabbing on about how great her phone was going to be and how her friends were going to be very envious. Well, I am envious about people that don't know Kimmy!
I buried my head in my hands. Geez would this girl ever shut up?
No she wouldn't.
Finally we were there.
We all walked in Kim got a new phone. We stopped for a smoothie and Igot a shake in the food court. I got a bunch of new clothes. But it is not like I really wanted them!
Rikki POV
I think that Zane and I should break up he isn't even doing any work I am doing it all. I am not even the boss around here but it has my name on the sign!!
He is the manager I am the co manager of the store. I helped out the other customers. I went to the back room to count out the stock and I had a clip board.
But when I walked through there I heard a noise. I looked around the corner and there was a boy my age he was freezing.
"Please help me!" he asked.
I screamed.
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Sorry about the long wait i was away for a week