"Calm down you guys i know this is a lot to take in" i said.
"She wont tell our secret cause then we can tell hers." i added.
"I will go and just check on her in her apartment" i said.
*At Brownyne's Apartment*
I knocked on her door. The door opened up as if it werent shut.
I walked in the lights were still on.
Things were thrown all over the place.
My heart beat a bit faster and faster as seconds went by!
A crazy idea went through in my mind.
I knew that idea was a bit too much with the switching and tricking.
I quickly looked through each room nobody but the room that was the living room was the only one that had stuff strewn around.
I ran out the door to tell the others.
I walked back into Brownyne's apartment with the girls: Rikki, Cleo, Emma. The girls had texted the boys what had happened.
We all looked around.
"Have you found anything Rikki?" i asked her.
"No not yet but i cant even focus with this darn fly that keeps buzzing around my head."
"Did you say fly?" i asked Rikki.
"No i said Die of course i said fly" sarcasmed Rikki.
I walked over to Rikki.
I spotted the "fly."
"Fly's dont have gold dust coming from their wings." i pointed out.
"Than what do you suppose it to b-" i interrupted Cleo.
"Brownyne come on we know its you" i said.
The "fly" did not change.
"Brownyne" i ordered.
The "fly" stayed the same.
Then the "fly" came around to my nose and pinched me.
"Hey Brownyne" i whimpered.
The "fly" then started to grow larger until full size but even before that you could tell Brownyne.
"Hey you guys" said Brownyne shyly.
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