Chapter 1

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"I wont do it." My tone is ice cold, as my heart thumped rapidly beneath my chest I thought it would explode any given second now but refused to show him how terrified I was.

A cruel chuckle echoed around the dark room, the sound making a bile rise to my throat "You don't have to do it," He looks down at me, an evil glint sparks in his charcoal eye as he sneers "I will make you do it."

The tears I tried to hold so hard starts to fall freely, and I beg him,"Please, let me go. You will never hear from us. I will take my baby away from here, I promise. Please." a choked sob tears from my throat and my hands starts shaking violently.

His charcoal eyes turn even darker, a tell tale sign that his wolf was resurfacing. In a lightening speed, he wraps his large hand around my throat. Lifting me from the floor, he slams me against the wall roughly that my bones crack "And what?" he brings his face closer to mine, his tone going dangerously low "Risk that disease growing up and ask for his rights?! Which that filth does not even deserve?!" he roars, squeezing his hand around my already bruised neck.

Fear seizes my heart as I struggle under his firm hold. Stretching my arms out, I hit his chest, scratch his arms, anything I can get my hands on but the action only makes him squeeze my neck more. 

From my blurry vision, I make out his sadistic eyes that the more I struggle the more satisfaction he was getting from it.

My attempt to break free starts to become weak. My arms fall limp on my side, my visions turn blurry. And In that moment I knew I was going to die, that my baby was going to die! And there was nothing, absolutely nothing I could do to save both the of us.

Closing my teary eyes, I wait for it to be over with. But then, suddenly, I'm dropped.

Gasping for air, I choke violently and scurry away from him, but the wall behind me doesn't let me go too far. I wheeze and cough uncontrollably, while choking on every breath I take. My throat burns. Placing my hand on my neck, I try to ease the burning sensation a bit but it doesn't help.

Crouching down to my level, he cocks his head to the side and watch me struggle "Always remember, you're nothing." He hiss the words out with such hatred that my breath hitches "And that thing . ." he points his forefinger at my heaving stomach "inside you is nothing. And tomorrow we are going to get rid of it." his casual tone was filled with so much venom that it sends a shudder down my spine.

Huddled in the corner, I inwardly beg him to leave but all he did was sits silently in front of me, his dark eyes observing me was like a physical touch. I don't dare to look up from the ground to meet them. All of a sudden, reaching out, he tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

Flinching back, I turn my head to the side and his hand fall. Letting out a deep exhale, he stands up slowly and without another word, he walks away.

I hear his heavy footsteps leaving the room and the door being slam shut and locked. Letting out a shuddering breath I didn't realise I was holding, my body starts trembling uncontrollably and with it comes a silent sob that shakes me to the core. 

Bringing my knees to my chest, I sit there helplessly and hold my head in my hands. The whole time, I replay everything that has happened to me for the past two years. Two years since I have been in this miserable hell and it has been two years since the Black Stone Pack attacked us.

Most of my former pack members were eliminated on the scene and the ones who were unfortunate to survive, ended up being their slaves. Not that we didn't try to escape, we did, several times. Some of us ended up beaten to death and other got away with brutal tortures. I was lucky enough to be a slave for a year, then one day he saw me.

I shut my eyes tightly and scratch my arms roughly desperately needing to wipe those dirty memories away. Forcing myself to not remember that horrible and disgusting day. I hate it. I hate myself. I hate every second of every day.

Letting out a shaky breath. I stand up slowly, my knees buckle and I place my hand on the wall for support. I draw in a sharp wince when my sore rib-cage throb in painfully from the earlier 'punishment' I received. Rubbing my ribs in hopes to ease some of the discomfort, I start pacing the floor. Limping from one side to another.

No, I shake my head vehemently. I can't give up now. I need a plan and a good one at that. I have to get out of here, I have to try even harder than I did the last time. But how. frustratingly, I run my calloused fingers through my long, dirty dark brown hair and grimace as they tangle in my torn skin.

I look down at myself and hold back a wince. My jeans were dirty and my long sleeve t-shirt was ripped where the guard had pulled me. God, I smelt awful. I don't know how log has it been since I last showered.

My feet halt to a stop, as a soft pulsate throb inside me. Placing a hand on my flat stomach, I smile sadly, "Don't worry baby, I will get us both out of here, I promise. Even if it takes me to kill these monsters."I whisper to the empty room and sigh tiredly.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted nothing more than to get rid of it. I despised the man who got me pregnant so it was certain his child will be no less monster. But that all changed when I heard the faint heartbeat. That faint heartbeat changed my perspective in a second and I fell in love with my child. In that moment and I knew, without a doubt, I will do anything in my power to protect him and take him away from here. He will be nothing like his father, I vow to myself.

Limping my way to the corner of the room, which doesn't even deserve to be called one. With its dirty walls, broken bed, stained with god knows what and the smell. Good God, that smell. I gag and start breathing through my mouth.

Leaning my back on the dirty wall, I slide down on the cold floor. Bringing my knees to my chest, I hit the back of my head on the wall as tears burn my eyes. Looking up at the ceiling I blink repeatedly to stop them from falling but I guess even they're as defeated as I felt.

So I let them fall, I cry silently at the memories of my parents, my baby brother and my friends. Out of everyone only one of my friend, Anna, Alphas' daughter survived with me. But she took her own life an year ago because this was getting too much for her. No one touched me cause I was Alphas' property but everyone harassed her.

I remember clearly the last time she gave me her broken smile which once upon a time lit up an entire room she walked in and mouthed "I'm sorry." before shooting herself in the head.

Seeing her fragile, lifeless body on the floor tore me apart into million pieces. The hole in my heart got even bigger, the emptiness inside me was unbearable almost suffocating. She was the only one I had left, my only family. I never blamed her though but I was angry at her for a long period of time but in the end I understood why she did it and hearing these monsters say "Ah, She was getting boring anyways." only increased my hatred for them.

Wiping the tears away furiously, I think to myself determinedly.

Tomorrow. If I want to get out of here I have to, no I need to do something tomorrow. I will be damned if I let them take another person I love away from me.



 Just a little warning though this is my first book so there are going to be countless mistakes, I'm not a professional writer, I write because I like to. So please be generous, show some love, vote, comment and continue to keep a watch out for future updates! 

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