Chapter 39

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It's like my body felt his absence before me, I wake up to an empty, cold bed.

Pushing myself into a sitting position, I lean my back on the headboard and grab my phone from the nightstand to see it was two in the morning.

A yawn escapes my lips and I rub a hand over my sleepy face. Placing the phone back on its place, I get out of the the bed and pull the satin cream nightgown over my naked body and tie a knot as I walk out of the bedroom barefoot.

Out of habit, I make my way over to Max's room end of the hall and push the slightly ajar door open to find him fast asleep on his chest, mouth apart while snoring softly. Instead of the duvet being on top of him it was on the ground.

Smiling, I walk further in the room and pull the duvet over him. crouching down to his level, I run my fingers through his unruly hair and place a kiss on his forehead. sighing, i shake my head All day running around on the field has tired him.

After making sure the window was slightly open the way he likes it, I leave Max's room in search for Marcus and as I predicted he was in his office, shuffling around as his phone kept blaring non stop.

I furrow my eyebrows, something was wrong.

''Hey,''I whisper, wrapping my arms over my chest.

Marcus' head snaps my way ''Why are you up?'' he asks distractedly and picks a file from many piled around his desk, his eyes skims through it before he dumps them in a big brown carbon box by his desk.

''You know I can't sleep without you,'' I say, staring at the the box worriedly. I walk further in the room and stop by the box ''What are you doing?''I look up from the box to him

''Getting rid of garbage,'' He mumbles, throwing another handful of some sheets in the box. ''Go to bed I will join you in a minute,''he smiles, placing a kiss on my forehead and walk by me to his work table where he draws his architects designs and starts folding the semi-transparent paper he was working on this afternoon.

Confused by his strange behavior, I turn away from him and pick up a white paper from the pile. After reading what it was my jaw drops open in shock ''Marcus these are you latest project designs why are you throwing them away?'' baffled I look at him wide eyes.

''Because I won't be needing them from now on,''he shrugs, with a disinterest expression as his eyes scan through the papers in his hand. Letting out a impatient breath, he tears them apart.

What ''Why?'' He was making no sense!

He doesn't answer ''Marcus why wont you need them from now on?'' I ask again.

''There's been a problem with the project and as I'm the one who's behind the design they need my supervision for it and since Dr. Clarke didn't give you an okay to travel in this condition I decided to break the deal.''

And if it was possible my eyes go even more wide ''Why would you do that?!''I gasp in horror ''Marcus, you already signed this contract do you have any idea what it will do to your company's image? and not forget they can drag your ass to court for this!''

He snorts, his eyes scan the papers before scrunching it up and throwing it in the bin nearby ''Do you think that scares me?'' he was acting so casual about it like he was talking about the damn weather!

His phone blares again. Stopping what he is doing, he glares at his phone looking very ticked ''I should get rid of that,'' Jaw clenched, he strode toward his phone placed on the long mahogany table behind me but before he could reach for it, I grab his first and hide it behind me.

''Oh no you don't!'' I back away from him so I was standing on the other side of the desk and narrow my eyes at him ''Marcus you can't just abandon you're project like this. You said you've been working on this project for almost a year now, the project you put your heart and soul into. I'm not letting you do this.'' I shake my head at him adamantly.

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