Chapter 22

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Say whaaaat? Two chapter in one day? who have guessed it right? :D 
you can thank me later for now ENJOY my lovelies :*


''Let's sit outside'' Mila announces. Handing the mugs to Daniel, she comes by my side. at first i'm confused as to what she's doing then she holds my hands in hers and helps me get up from the stool. My inside warms at the gesture, half my pregnancy no one helped me with anything, I had to do everything by myself.

With my hand in Milas and her other arm across my back, we walk through the corridor to a door at the end of it that will lead us to a backyard ''You know I can walk by myself, right?''

Chuckling, she looks up at me ''Yeah, I know. I just feel like pampering my niece or nephew''she winks.

''And also because you look like you're about to burst any given second now'' Daniel says over his shoulder, making me glare at his back. ''I'm not that big!'' I defend weakly, frowning, I look down at my belly and back at Mila and whisper ''I don't look big am I?''

Throwing her head back she laugh ''No, you don't. he's just being mean.'' we walk through the door Daniel held open for us.

The backyard is simple but beautiful nonetheless, with green grass, a fire place in the middle containing only three wooden chairs, facing the woods.

Mila and I take the seats, Dan goes to grab a chair for himself and some woods to start the fire. its Almost sunset and the temperature is dropping ''Where is Jake?'' I ask, he didn't follow us out. I look over my shoulder just as he opens the back door. he had put on a shirt and surprisingly holding two bottle of liquor in each hand. I frown at that, He wasn't much of a drinker.

I give him a look ''What? we are going to need it'' he shrugs, and takes the seat beside me.

Lucky bastards, they will have something to go through to numb the pain.

We watch silently as the sunsets and Daniel who have almost healed, starts up the fire. we don't really need it, not really. given we are werewolves and always stay warm but its something we used to do every once in a while. start up a bonfire, drink alcohol and share our stories or problems, discuss it, solve it or simply laugh about it. But tonight lots of people are missing. Levi with his guitar playing mindlessly, Connor and Amelia wrapped in one another in a corner and Anna complaining about how her manicure got chipped.

''It's been a long time since we have done this'' Mila says, closing her eyes she relaxes back in her chair.

Everything fells silent after that, Only crickets and owls can be heard in the distance.

I can feel no one wants to talk about it but it had to be done, we all wanted answers. ''What happened that night ?'' I force the words out.

There is a long pause, Jake open the liquor bottle which smells like scotch and take a long swig before answering ''After you left, we made it safely to the safe house, no one followed us. or so we thought. we waited and waited and waited for a signal from our leaders to say that its over or that we have won the battle, that its save to come out but nothing, ''he shook his head, probably shaking off some memories ''except for the smoke. turns out somehow they found our location and set the whole place on fire.'' his voice is strained, jaw clenched.

Daniel reach out and take the unopened bottle from Jake side. taking a drink he continues, ''We had two choices, stay inside and burn alive or get out, fight and get killed.'' he took another long gulp ''not much of a choice, we would've died either way.''he stays silent and watch the flames intently ''so we got out. we fought. all of us. Teenagers, elders, women, children. who ever wanted to survive, fought''

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