Chapter 25

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Dedicating this chapter to  Dramabooklover(Mel) hope you find inspiration for your book soon :) 

I felt the car slow to a stop but didn't dare to look up from my fiddling fingers on my lap. To say I was nervous would be the understatement of the century!My heart was pounding so fast I was afraid it will break free from its damn rib-cage.

Unknowingly, I start chewing on my already raw nails and huff out a breath. Now that i'm here, that i'm actually minute away from seeing Marcus, my confident decided to take a vacation to bora bora.

Maybe I should just go back and pretend this never happened? I think to myself already liking the idea.

''Don't you dare! you're going up there and we're going to meet our mate.'' My wolf growled, her patients running thin with my constant backtracking thoughts.

I slump back in the back seat, I hate to admit it but she's right. I can't just back up now! the whole ride I have been a nerves wreck, thinking of all the things I could say or I should say and how I shouldn't screw everything with my words. God, all the energy and confident I felt earlier are gone, vanished, poofed into thin fucking air.

Sitting up straighter, I ran my hands through my hair and under my eyes.

I can do this, I can do this. I mean how hard is it going to be? I scoffed.

''Not hard at all, now get out'' my wolf rolled her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I give myself a encouraging nod and I push open the door only to see the man who introduced himself as Parker already standing by it.

''How long have you been standing here?'' I ask the hulk of a man.

Checking his wrist watch, he quirks a brow ''Fifteen minutes and 36 seconds now, Luna.''

''Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize'' I bit the inside of my cheek, and keep my eyes only on him to avoid accidentally looking at the building in front of us ''You don't have to escort me, I will go by myself. Just tell me which floor'' I offer halfheartedly, I really didn't want to go alone.

''The security wont let you pass without me'' The man informs in his deep, gruff voice, stepping aside, he motions with his hand for me to walk ahead.

He wasn't much of a talker, the whole ride he answered with only a nod or single word.

I sucked my teeth and finally forced myself to look up at the huge glass building and instantly wished I hadn't. Because the already nervous fluttering in my stomach intensified by ten fold.

It's a tall, large glass buildings with silver-ish, purplish glass. Whoa, The architecture of the building was phenomenal. I wouldn't mind working or living here for rest of my life!

''It's...Wow'' I stammer, I couldn't find the perfect word to describe my awe.

The man beside me gives a slight, barely there smile''It is. Alpha designed it himself'' his voice dripped with pride and respect.

A small smile spread on my lips, everyone in pack respected Marcus, a lot. And not because they feared him.

I glance at Parker ''Let's go''I start walking toward the building.

I hear his footsteps behind me and stop to give him a look when I notice he was walking few feet behind me like a bodyguard. ''Please walk by my side, its making me uncomfortable'' I admit.

There is a slight tug at the ends of his lips but its gone as soon as it came making me wonder if I imagined it. giving me a curt nod, he starts walking by my side.

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