Chapter 10

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Here's another update, Enjoy!


I don't know for how long I sat there on the floor with my back leaning on the wooden door, legs spread out and my hands were intertwined in my lap.

I was staring aimlessly at my hands, thinking about what just happened. I was too drained to cry more but my heart still felt heavy. A howl brings me back to reality and I knew all to well who that howl belong to.

I felt the acid burning in my nose, blinking back my tears, I bite my bottom lip hard.''No more crying, remember.'' I remind myself. Exhaling sharply, I try to get up from the ground, placing my left hand on the floor with the other hand I grab the door handle and slowly pushed myself up.

I make my way to a door on the far right side which I'm assuming was the bathroom. Getting there took me forever, as each month passes by, my belly gets more heavier. Nowadays it takes a lot of energy to even walk.

Finally reaching the door, I push it open. The room was dark, As I ran my hand along the wall, looking for the light switch, I find it and flip it on. The room lit up and I was right, it was a bathroom. I don't pay much attention to my surrounding and simply walked to the sink.

I look at myself in the mirror and to say I looked like a mess would be an understatement. My short black hair looked like a bird and its whole town decided to move in there, my eyes were puffy from all the crying, My skin looked unnaturally pale. I turn my head sideway to see a large purple and blue bruise covering my left cheek. I frown at it. Okay, so let me get this straight, I had an accident, Hit my head, Cut my forehead WHICH by the way my body healed completely, leaving me with a long ass scar, and it couldn't heal a motherfucking bruise? what kind of fucked up logic was that?

Shaking my head, I turn the tap on and splashed my face with warm water few times. damping my hand , I ran it down on my throat, chest and shoulders. I felt dirty, And in need of a shower. looking down at my attire I think better of it, I don't know what happened to my belongings and at the moment I didn't know who to ask, and there is no way in hell I was going to ask Him, or ever talk to him for that matter.

I was surprised that my wolf didn't object on that thought.

I don't know why I was so mad at him but I just was. If I was being fair my reaction would be the exactly same if he had a child. hell, even worse. But fuck if his words didn't cut me.

I snatch the nearest towel from the rack and Dry my face, throat and chest. Walking to the door, I pull it open only to come face to face with a short woman about the height of 5'1. not fat but plump and round woman with grey hair tied in a bun. Staring at me with her warm blue eyes, I tighten my grip on the handle, narrowing my eyes ''Who are you ?''I ask rudely, Putting my guards up.

She was an old lady, I can take her down easily if she tried anything. but I doubt she will, cause at the moment she was looking at me like I was Jesus and about to give her a free pass to heaven.

She smiles warmly at me, her eyes wrinkling in the corners.'' I'm Helena, Mia bambina.'' She says with a slight accent. Reaching for my hand, she holds it in her soft ones and for some unknown reason I don't pull away like I would've done any other time, I just let her.

She walks both of us to the bed and I just follow her in confusion.

''Sit.'' she say which felt more like an order, Gesturing to the bed. I sit silently watching her every move, she turns around and picks up a tray from a food trolley. A crease forms between my brows Where did that come from, It wasn't there before.

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