Chapter 13

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''MINE!'' he lets out a thunderous growl, making me jump out of my skin. Burying his nose in my neck he takes a deep breath. My posture go stiff when I feel his canines grazing the skin where my shoulder meets my neck.

Screwing my eyes shut, I hold my breath. Praying to whoever is up there listening that Marcus doesn't do what I fear he will do. My breath hitches in my throat and I hold back a whimper when he sinks his canines in my skin a little. 'Please, please, please don't.' I repeat this words over and over again in my head.

'Let him mark us, we belong to him.' my wolf growls at me, irritating the fuck out of me 

'Oh so now you decided to show up? after days of giving me the cold shoulder and being a bitch?' I snap back. 

She just rolls her eyes at me 'I needed some times alone, since you decided to leave our soulmate for some stupid reason!' one thing me and my wolf have in common is that we both are very short tempered and impatient. I just ignore her and focus on the problem at hand. 

Marcus grazes his canines on my skin and kiss my neck in process. I don't dare to move from my still position. Because for one, when a Male werewolf gets like this with his mate let them do what they wants to do, to assure their wolves that his mates are with them and safe or the consequences wont be pretty and number two, was more for my benefit, I loved how his coffee and musky scent that engulfed me, making it my favorite scent in this entire world and how his arms around me felt like I was finally protected and Home.

He finally pulls away but not before giving a long lingering kiss on my neck that shot sparks down my body. I know it took a lot of self control for him to pull back, no normal werewolf can fight the desire to mark their mate. Usually when male werewolves find their mates they mark them right there and then. No words exchanged.

He hold me by my shoulders, his charcoal eyes flickering from my head to toe, checking if I was hurt. That simple gesture sends a tingling sensation in my chest.

When he was too busy looking for any wounds. I take that chance to finally look at him. His gray eyes were still full black, canines extended and he looked a lot different than the last time I saw him. he lost weight, his face was a bit sunken in and large eye bags were under his eyes. His stubble has grown a bit more, my hands itched to run my hand over his beard to see how it feels on my skin. I raised my hand to just do that but stopped myself in time.

''Where did you go?!'' he growls lowly, his jaw clenched tight. His voice was raspy like he hadn't spoken in days and his eyes, angry yet vulnerable.

I have to look up to meet his gaze.''I..I was hungry, so I came to grab something to eat.''I stutter, gesturing at my half eaten plate. Telling him only half the truth.

Closing his eye, he takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly ''Please don't do that again, you nearly killed me.'' he pleads and cups my face in his large, rough hands and Rest his forehead on mine. I hold my self from flinching, he will not appreciate it.

For some reason, I feel horrible seeing him in this state and knowing I was the reason behind his suffering. We have completed the first mating bond which is eye contact so I can feel half the things he was feeling and right now, Anger, Vulnerability and Protectiveness but fear stood out the most.

''Come, lets finish your breakfast.'' he says after a while, his eyes going back to usual stormy gray shade.

Holding my hand in his, he sits on the stool I was occupying few minutes ago, placing his hands on my waist he picks me up like I weigh nothing before placing me on his lap and wrapping a protective arm around my waist.

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