Chapter 15

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I don't stop walking until I'm at least fifteen feet away from the pack house or you can just call it a bloody mansion! 

Out of breath, I stop and I place my hands on my sides and look up toward the clear sky. I start huffing and puffing, trying to catch my uneven breath. Although I'm certain I didn't walk that much but walking only five feet takes a toll on you when you're heavily pregnant.

I hear a chuckle beside me knowing fully well it's from Noelle but I don't turn to face her ''Can't. Breathe.'' I gasp, trying hard to catch my breath.

Laughing, she hands me a water bottle ''Here, drink this,''

Taking the water bottle from her hand, I take a long swig. After I empty the bottle, I wipe my chin with the back of my hand, ''Are you done, Luna?'' she asks, amusingly.

Frowning, I nod ''Yeah, Thank you and please call me Jordan. ''

Smiling genuinely ''Okay, Jordan. Well lets go then, my house is that way,''she Jerks her thumb in the other direction.

I stare at her in disbelief  ''Why didn't you say something before?'' I ask, incredulously.

''You didn't give me a chance to tell you, you ran away from there like your ass was on fire.'' she shrugs and starts walking backward.

''I had a good damn reason.'' I defend, walking by her side on the gravel and finally taking my time to look around the place I was in. 

The outside of the mansion was just as beautiful as the inside, the house was surrounded by the woods just like my old pack house, but this Pack house was enormous! 

The house itself was creamy white in color with a reddish-brown corrugated roof. Hundreds of little windows were a collosal of black beady eyes, staring at me as they gave me a slivers glance into each room. 

Four large pillars that competed with those of the Whitehouse were precisely placed as to look like they were guarding the front door. You could've fit at least five of me in each large one. I finally brought myself to look away from the mansion and instead at the well manicured greenery in the driveway. The driveway was lined with neatly cropped hedges that created a border between the gravel and the fresh, bright green grass. But that's not even the best part because in the center of it all, there was a Marble statue of three monstrous wolves, all pointed towards each other and staring up at the sky. Their snouts were high sith pride and power, as if they were Lords of a world unknown to mankind.

''That good damn reason is watching you,''Noelle whispers, I look at her but she gives a nod toward one of the windows.

I follow her gaze and true enough Marcus was watching me with a pained expression on his face. I felt my heart race and sting at the sight but I quickly look away from him and clear my throat ''I'm sorry for being a burden, I would've been perfectly fine living at the cabin if your Alpha wasn't being a asshole,'' I grumble, annoyingly.

We turn the corner and couple of houses in the distances come in my view. Noelle shakes her head ''You're not a Burden, I wanted you to live with me that's why I asked and he's just looking out for you, that's what mates do'' she says softly, looking me in the eye.

I don't bother replying her and just keep looking around me. We pass few people on our way, some would greet Noelle others would just give me weird looks. I'm pretty sure they can smell I'm not from around here.

We walk silently for a while then suddenly I get this unsettling feeling I'm being watched. Turning my head, I look around and see no one. I close my eyes, sighing in irritation, ''He sent people to watch over me didn't he?'' I state rather than ask.

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