Chapter 28

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Sliding the door shut behind me firmly, I grabbed the kitchen towel from the marble counter and hurriedly wrapped it around the wound on my palm I just intentionally caused. Glancing down at it, I put some pressure on it, hissing when it stung slightly. It will heal soon but for now it's good option to stop the blood from flowing and do what I came for.

I walk faster but refrain myself from running because that will attract unwanted attention and explaining why I was in a hurry was the last thing I needed.

I can feel my heart beating wildly in fear of getting caught but I can't back down now this is the only chance I will and if I blew it who knows when will I be able to see her again.

My wide eyes searched her in every corner around the house. where is she? clenching my jaw, I growled impatiently. I only have two minute! two fucking minutes before I get back to my task or they will get suspicious and come looking for me.

Taking a left turn I head toward left wing where low ranked werewolves lived but abruptly stopped when I saw fragile body hunched on the floor, picking up some broken glass. Anna.

The sight of my friend, who once was so full of life, looking so helpless, so broken caused a unbearable pain in my gut. My eyes burned but I pushed the tears back. I can't break, if she saw me like this she will break too. I have to stay strong for the both of us.

''Anna!'' I whispered yelled.

Startled, she looks up in fear then relief washed over her face and her bottom lip quivered when she saw who was calling her.

Dropping everything, she ran toward me and threw her arms around my shoulders.'' I was so worried.'' she whispered, her voice thick with raw emotion. Clenching onto her small body, I felt a single tear fall down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly before she can see it.

I can understand her fear, the remaining members of our pack have been losing their life each day or should I say every hour nowadays. If we don't see each other for more than three hours we get worried sick.

''Come with me'' pulling away, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a closet which I recently discovered was sound proof.

After making sure no one saw us, I closed the door behind me soundlessly and turned to face a worried face ''I want you to listen to me carefully, I found a way to get out of here. I overheard Darrion is going out of town for some pack business and luckily his beta is going with him. We wont get a better chance than this. Tomorrow at midnight I want you to meet me at the oak tree behind the training ground. You know where that is right?'' at her Vehement nod, I place my hand on the knob. My two minutes are up. ''I have to go now. Don't forget, tomorrow midnight sharp''I instruct her sharply.

''But where will we go?'' her broken voice stopped me in my track, I turned around to face her before answering her honestly.

Sighing heavily, I shrug my shoulders helplessly ''I don't know, but somewhere far from here. just trust me okay?'' She nods her head slowly in response.

I give her a one last encouraging smile and make a move to turn the knob but get stopped when she suddenly hold my hand other hand so tightly that I think it will break if she didn't let go. But when she speaks the pain in her voice and the fear in her doe eyes settles an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. ''Jordan, wait, I..I need to tell you something.''

My eyes snap open and Instinctively, my hand stretched to the other side of the bed only to find it cold.

confused, I turn my head slightly and close my eyes when I find the other side of the bed empty.

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