Chapter V

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(Larry's apartment above)

It had been a week since Bambii's miscarriage. She's avoided Larry the best she could. Though it was a bit hard considering he blew her phone up constantly, filling up her voicemail box, texting her non-stop, leaving dozens of phone calls.

Bambii stayed in her bed, crying, sniffling, listening to sad music, only getting up to eat and excrete the food from her body in the restroom, which wasn't often. In all reality, she didn't want to get up for anything. She stayed in one spot, staring at the bedroom wall on the side she layed on, tissues surrounding her bed and the floor, her eyes puffy and swollen, her cheeks stained with tears... and her apartment dark with no light what so ever. Even approaching her front door, the darkness was overwhelming.

She cried harder as her phone rang once again for 30th time today. She grabbed a tissue from the box on her dresser and blew her nose. It had became red from how many times she'd blown it this week. She was honestly tired of crying. She knew the baby wouldn't survive... considering how it happened.

How she dreaded the thought of... how it happened. How dirty and weak she felt afterwards. How her screams and pleas for it to stop... wasn't helping what she already knew was about to happen. She wished she'd never met him. She wished it'd never happened. She'd chosen to suppress the memory... but it came back, taunting her, haunting her, mocking her actions.

She looked at her shaking hands, remembering the rope that tied her wrist. Her eyes looked down to her feet and legs, remembering how tight the other end of rope was around her ankles, and remembering how her legs hurt from being forced open. She looked at her shaking hands once more... remembering how he made her touch things she didn't want to touch.

The knocking of her bedroom door brought her out of the painful replay that played in her head. "Bambii", Tori's vice softly spoke. "Just go away", Bambii groaned. Tori sighed and walked around and sat down next to her, moving the hair out of her face that was scattered everywhere. "There's my pretty girl", Tori smiled, touching her cheeks, grazing the pad of her thumb across it. "What do you want?" "I want you to get up and go talk to him... he's been worried sick about you". "I can't."

Tori sighed deeply, grabbing Bambii's chin, forcing her to lock eyes with hers. "Look, you keep saying you can't. What can't you do? I know this is more than just loosing your baby. You're hiding something from me, I can tell. And it's eating you up alive... Bambii you can tell me, what is it?"

"I-I can't", Bambii shrugged, hiding her face with the covers as she broke down into another episode of tears. Tori removed the covers and wrapped her bestfreind into her arms. "You can tell me", she whispered.

The truth was, Bambii wanted to tell her. But she didn't know how. It was true, it was eating her up alive. She hated thinking about it, she hated telling what she had to go through for 3 long, depressing, sad, torturing, angry, abusing hours. She squeezed her eyes shut as the first words came out of her mouth, slow and shaky.

"He did bad things to me."



"Bro, I think you need to see this", Laurent came running through Larry's bedroom. "What is it", Larry groaned, trying to sit up. "Just... come here bro", Laurent said as he helped Larry out of his bed and leading him into the living room. He sat him down on the couch and took a seat next to him.

"When is the last time you and Bambii had sex?" "A week ago". "Do you usually take her panties off or just push them to the side?" "Uh, I usually take them off. Bro, why are you asking me this?" "Because", he said, getting up and going into the kitchen, "This", he said sternly coming back with a pair of light purple panties. "Eew, what the fuck", Larry made a face shoving them away.

"Look at em, I smelled something coming from the trash can.They have blood in them-" "Hell naw, I don't fuck while she on her period", he waved his hands up in defense, still disgusted at the sight. "...And it looks like something else. Bro, her panties are ripped, they have blood in them, and it looks like semen is on them". "W-what are you trying to say?" "I'm saying... I think Bambii...


"Oh my god", Tori covered her mouth, Bambii I'm so sorry. I should've been there". Her and Bambii wrapped each other tightly into each other's, both crying their eyes out, both hurt and shattered with pain.

But Bambii hurt emotionally... and physically.

"Does Larry know?"

Bambii shook her head, feeling more ashamed than ever. "No, and the worst part is... he doesn't even know it wasn't his baby".

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