Chapter VI

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Bambii had finally forced herself out of bed. She cried the whole way she drove over to Larry's place. She was prepared to tell him of what happened, but the thought if it made her sick to her stomach. She knew what Larry was capable of, and she knew the things he had done in his past... that he isn't afraid of doing now. She knew he'd go crazy... if he found out that the person who hurt her the most was someone he was close with.

And that's what scared her.

She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her grey hoodie as she exited her car and walked up towards the entry of Larry's apartment. She entered, the cold air of the lobby hitting her face. She sniffled, walking over to the elevators.

One dinged and she looked up, the silver elevator doors sliding open. She forced a small smile as she was greeted with an old man who stood in the inside on the other side of the elevator. She stepped inside, the doors sliding closed behind her. She leaned back into the wall, holding her phone in one hand and her keys in the other, sniffling as she looked down at her feet.

"Excuse me ma'am, but I couldn't help but notice that you've been crying", the man spoke, touching Bambii's arm. She could hear his thick british accent clearly. She looked up at him with teary eyes. "Oh no, I'm fine", she said, wiping her eyes once again. Her voice was a bit cracked. "You know, it's not good to keep things bottled up", his british accent said again. "It's just something that I'm going through with my boyfriend", Bambii shook her head. "Well why doesn't the dog talk?" "Huh?" "The cat got his tongue".

Bambii softly laughed as the british man laughed along with her, happy that he'd made her smile. "Just a little british humor". "Thank you for that", Bambii said, still laughing. "Trust me, you have a lot more to smile about than me". "What do you mean", Bambii asked, looking confused at the man. "You're young, beautiful, have a boyfriend, I'm a man who's going through their 3rd marriage, hasn't seen their kids in years, and is on the verge of dying".

Bambii looked at the man, feeling sad. "I'm sorry you're going through so much". "Oh, it's alright love, none of them could cook", he joked. Bambii failed at the attempt to hold back her laughter. "But, Martha, she was a beauty. She died not to long ago. Man was I love with her", he said smiling, looking up in a gaze picturing her.

"Oh, I'm sorry", he said, "What floor are you going to?" "The top", Bambii answered. He pressed one of the various green buttons that had an engraved floor number on it. The elevator started to move and Bambii relaxed, elevators have always made her nervous.

"I didn't get your name", she stopped him as the elevator bell rung, indicating they had reached their designated floor. "I'm Greggory Chester, but you may call me Greg for short madam". "You're very sweet Greg, thank you", she smiled warmly at him as they exited the elevator. "You live here?" "Oh no, I'm just visiting my attorney", he answered her as they walked down the long hallway. "Attorney?"

The man paused, turning to face Bambii. "Well, I use to paint and write. When I die, I want to auction them off in a gallery, my wife loved my paintings. We use to paint together." "That's a good idea". The man shook his head and smiled widely, showing off his perfect white teeth. "You have a blessed day ma lady", he took his cap off and bowed in front her. She giggled at the gesture.

Greg kissed the back of her hand and they parted ways. Bambii turned the corner and her stomach twisted and turned as she approached Larry's apartment door. She used her spare key and unlocked the door, pushing it open slowly.

She heard laughter and the sound of the tv as she walked in. She locked and closed the door before taking any further steps. She looked around, feeling nervous. She knew he had company. Male company. She could tell by the chuckles that came from the living room and the many shoes that were scattered beside his front door and the sound of their favorite xbox basketball game playing loudly.

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