2 Years Later~ Chapter XV

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Bambii's P.O.V

"Mommy look what I drew!" The sound of feet running through the hallway made a smile appear on my face. Her face peered in the doorway as I slid my arms through my sweater, finishing my look for the day. I giggled and bent down to her level. "What're you doing silly?" She laughed hysterically and ran towards me, into my arms.

I picked her up and spun her around, planting kisses on her cheeks. "I drew you something mommy", she said once I'd stopped spinning her. I gasped playfully, "You did!" She shook her head, smiling from ear to ear. "Can I see it", I asked, acknowledging the colorful paper in her hands. She nodded her head, handing me the drawing.

The smile on my face dropped into a frown. But I wouldn't let her see it. I turned to her and swooped her up into my arms again. "I love it! You're the best artist I know", I say as I rub my nose against hers. She giggles and hugs me back. "Hey, can you get mommy's shoes and purse really quick?" "Ok", she says, and hops down, skipping out my bedroom.

I look back down at the drawing. She's having dreams again, I say to myself. I sigh and sit down on the bed behind me. I eyeballed the drawing hard. Taking in every detail she added and the colors. There was a family of four. Mom, dad, and two sisters. There had been one drawing where she'd draw just a mother and daughter, but I see she's made extra additions.

The two sisters were identical. Both with brown eyes, curly dark brown hair, bright blue dresses and soft pink lips. I'd always get emotional when she drew pictures like this.

Laya was born with a twin. When Laya came out, she was perfectly fine. But when Kayla had came out, she wasn't moving or breathing. The doctors tried all they could, but nothing was working. I panicked and went out of my mind. I could only hear one baby crying and it worried me. The nurses tried their best to calm me, but it only made me more worried and afraid.

I had later found out that the baby had been long gone, before I gave birth. But Laya survived. And they say when one twin dies, they don't leave until the other does. Their spirit is still amongst the other. Born together, die together. It's like Laya is still attached. She feels her twins presence. She's had dreams about her in heaven. She says her twin even talks to her sometimes. It made me worried for her. I only prayed and hoped that if Laya's twin's spirit is still here, she's here as a guardian angel for her.

Lately, she's been asking about things I wished I could tell her. The events happening with her and her twin haven't happened in a while, so this is why she's drawing this. But for a two year old, she's very smart. She knows when things aren't right and when they are. Like why a certain somebody hasn't been present. Somebody she doesn't know, or what they look like. But she knows she must get some of her genes from somebody else besides me. And though I've tried to keep her away from it for as long as I can, I know I can't for long. At this age, she's curious. Very curious. And as a mother, I can't pretend like she doesn't have curiosities, nor can I ignore her questions.

"Here you go mommy", she says, placing my purse on my bed and my boots beside my feet. "Thank you baby. Go get your shoes and your sweater please", I say, kissing her forehead. I grab the things I needed and packed them into my purse as she goes off into her room to finish getting ready.

I had finished putting on my boots, prepared to go and check to see if Laya was ready, but the sound of knocking on my front door stopped my actions. "Coming", I yelled out. The knocking continued and I screamed louder. "Coming!"

I untwisted the locks and pulled the door open, a gentle smile on my face, which soon erased from my face.

My chest tightened and my heart pounded against it. It felt as if my stomach had dropped down to knees and my legs were no longer stable enough to hold my figure up. My breathing was irregular and my eyes were slightly wide... but how could my body not go into shock as I stared up at the ghost who I've been going crazy to see.

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