Chapter VII

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*Not Bambii in the picture above, just how her hair looks in this chapter*

Bambii was just sliding her feet into her heels when her attention was caught by the tv. She reached for the remote and turned the volume up. Her ears were met with a terrible story she'd been praying she wouldn't have to hear. That is until now... her fears are coming true.

"Breaking news story here with Katy Green. I'm here only minutes after this devastating car crash which involved two men. The massive force of an SUV is believed to be the cause of 26 year old Anthony Davis's car accident, or King as he was called. He had been seen by a couple of bystanders in a nearby restaurant when a man, they described to be tall and expressing anger, came and practically drug Anthony out of the restaurant and ruffed him up by laying multiple blows to the chest and stomach with his fist and was seen kicking Anthony until he began to bleed. Anthony was reported to be running away into his car but the man stopped at nothing and pulled out a gun. Anthony drove off, leaving them man to get in his vehicle as well and came crashing into the side of Anthony's car. He got out, and shot the man twice in his chest, once in his leg, and in his arm. Leaving Anthony in critical condition, and in a coma. The last that any one saw of this mysterious tall man was him driving off, with out a trace. Sadly, the security footage outside could not get a glimpse of his face, and he wore a hat, therefore we could not get a sketch image of him. Back to you John."

Bambii froze. Her eyes were glued to the tv. Wild and pain filled thoughts ran though her head which is what snapped her back to reality. She took a slow deep breath, collecting herself. She grabbed her phone and keys and rushed out of his apartment.

On her way into the elevator, she bumped into Greggory again. They both entered once the sliding doors opened. She pressed the star button to go down to the lobby floor. He was clutching his coat in the crease of his arm while holding his hat in his hand. Bambii stood on the other side, trying to gather her words together and stop her already trembling and shaking body to halt on its actions to be terrified.

"Greg may I ask you a question?" "Why sure love", he smiled. "Did you and Martha use to fight?" "Well, I wouldn't call it fighting. There was a time I told her the chicken was to dry, I never did that again", he rubbed his bald head, she laughed at the face he made. His clear british accent made it all the more funnier to Bambii. "I wouldn't call it arguing, maybe more of a disagreement. Is that what you're having now? A disagreement?"

Bambii sighed, shaking her head. "Any advise", she asked. "Well, if you're going to him instead of him coming to you, just listen to what he has to say. Let him explain and clear things up".

"If only he knew what was really going on", she thought to herself.

"You and Martha were very close?" "Indeed", he shook his head. "May I ask what happened to her?" The bell rung and Greg looked at Bambii while searching through the various pockets of his black coat. "Here", he held out a small brown book, that was slightly torn and ripped, yet looked so old fashioned and interesting to Bambii.

"What's this?" "Letters. I wrote them to my wife when I was in the war. I also wrote story's and poems, she enjoyed them. I want you to read them." "Why are you giving this to me?" "I like you, you're a very sweet and smart girl. Don't let a man change that madam. Who's the lucky lad anyways?"

They stepped out of the cold elevator, meeting the warm air of the lobby and the sweet smell of honey vanilla. "He's the guy your parents tell you to stay away from as a child. He's the type of guy that if you see him on the streets at night, you'd run away. He's the type of guy you'd be easily intimidated by, and you wouldn't want to wake up beside him every morning."

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