Chapter X

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I need to get this out of my system. So, today at lunch, my friend, which is my fake brother so me and my friend Nikki call him brother. I said he don't get no pussy cause he was telling us how he fucked this girl at his house and this nigga said "hell naw, I been gettin pussy since I was in pampers" When I say I died, juice came out my mouth and Nikii fell off her chair. I was laughin soooo mf hard. The other boys were just laughin and dappin it up with him. And plus he from New Orleans so he got that accent😂😂 ok ok, on with the story


"Hi this is David Brooks. I'm calling on behalf of Greggory Chester, I'm his attorney. Whom I am speaking to is Bambii, correct?"

"Yes, this is she".

"Ma'am I'm calling to inform you that Mr. Chester died early this morning. He suffered from a heart attack."

Bambii went silent. She slowly sat down on the couch, tears not given the time to form in her eyes before she let them freely go. Her body was frozen, she couldn't believe what the man was telling her over the phone.

"Ma'am, are you still there?"

Bambii looked at the phone, trying to depict the emotions that ran over her without the attorney knowing.

"Uh, uh umm, yea, I-I'm here".

"Mr. Chester told me about you. He was very fond of you Bambii".

"I was very fond of him too".

Bambii let a small smile spread across her face.

"He made an arrangement in his will that was given to me. He wants you to have and own his entire collection of his drawings and paintings. He's also given you permission to become the new owner of his mansion including money."


"I know it's a lot to take in, but this was his wish."

"I-I don't know what to say. I mean... he just died and he wrote all of this to you?"

"Yes he did. He wants his pain to be with someone he trusts. If you'd like, his funeral will be tomorrow at Rosewood Cemetery starting at 1:00 p.m. He has no family here, most of them are decease, but it'd be nice if you would attend".

"Of course I will. But, can you guys burry him next to his wife. I know he'd like that?"

"I don't see why not."

*End of flashback*

*Next day*

"You were a very sweet man Greg. I admired and adored you so much. Thank you for every thing you've done for me. I know why your wife loved you. I wish I had the chance to say goodbye. I'm gonna miss you so much."

Bambii cried harder as she finished off her last words. She had been kneeling in front of Gregg's tombstone for twenty-five minutes, giving heart felt and emotional words. The only people there was her, the attorney, and the nurse. The nurse had left a few minutes ago to go and pack her things.

Bambii kissed her two fingers and placed them on Gregg's name. She sat down five black roses and stood up from her knees. She looked to the attorney. "Can we work out the house and the gallery tomorrow? I-I really just need to-" he cut her off, holding up his hand. "I know how much pressure this is. We can do this tomorrow, there's no rush".

Bambii nodded and followed the attorney on the walk way path to the entry of the cemetery until they parted ways, heading towards their cars. As Bambii entered her truck, she suddenly felt light headed and dizzy. She held her stomach, the feeling of her throat becoming tighter and tighter. She knew what that meant.

She turned around and bent over, upchucking onto the side walk. She wiped her mouth with the napkin cloths in her pocket she used to dry her eyes from the crying she'd done. After she gargled some water from her water bottle, she slowly got into her truck and began her destination back to Larry's place. She thought of going to her own apartment, because she wanted to be alone, but she knew she wanted Larry to embrace her and take care of her the way he always did when she was sad.

As she drove, she talked over the phone with her bestfreind Tori, who had gone off to New York to visit her family. Bambii often wanted to go and see her own mother and father, but deep down she was scared. After all, she hasn't seen them since she was seventeen years old.

She ended her phone conversation, exiting her truck. She held her stomach and felt herself  become nauseated as she entered the apartment building. She stepped into the elevator, and she was sure she could still smell Gregg's honey-lemon cough drop scent. She smiled to herself.

The elevator doors slid open and she stepped out. She dug for her keys in the pocket of her jacket and was met with Larry's front door. She stuck the key into the lock and twisted it, unlocking the door. She could hear shower water running, and knew it was Larry. She closed and locked the door before taking off her jacket and shoes.

She walked into his bedroom and stripped out of her black dress. She threw on a black sports bra and black spandex boy shorts. She was just climbing into his bed when he stepped out of the shower. Bambii saw how his towel hung low, his v-line clearly visible, how water trickled down his abs and back, the way his twist spread out across his face and head, how his back muscles flexed when he moved his arms to reach in his dresser. She shook her head, telling herself not to get aroused.

He placed his boxers on the bed and walked over to Bambii. "When you get back", he said before kissing her. "Just now", she responded. "Where were you", he asked, leaning his fist on the bed as he was hunched over. "Just somewhere", she said in a low tone. "...You know I love you", he said, getting close. Bambii nodded yes. "You know I wouldn't hurt you", he said getting closer. She nodded once again. "And you know I'm not gonna let you go", he whispered, closer than ever. Bambii had no idea on where he was going with this.

"Baby, I need you to promise me something". "What is it", she asked. "Promise me you gon let me take you away". "What?" "Baby, I love you. You gon have my child and you gon be my wife."

Bambii was speechless. Was he asking for her to marry him?

"I know I'm not the best dude sometimes. In fact, I act like an ass to you and you know you don't have to stay, but you still do. I appreciate everything you do. I love you girl, and ain't shit changing that."

He cupped her face, kissing her with every thing inside of him. "I love you", she moaned into the kiss. He pecked her lips twice before going back to getting dress.

"Are you coming back?" "You know I always come back". "I need you here with me", she said, getting on her knees and wrapping her arms around his neck. Larry stood at the foot of the bed, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I promise I'm comin back to hold you", he smirked. Bambii smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Come here", he bit his lip, pulling her off the bed and laying them back down.



My body hurts, but I'm still here. And I'm gonna find him and her. No matter how many people have to get hurt.

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