The Dinner

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Me and Khameleon left my room early to not be late to the dinner. I drove Khameleon to the place and as we drove we talked. "We both know we will have to create children someday." Khameleon said. "So what do you want to name them?" She asked. "I want my daughters name to be Viper." I told her. "I want my son to be named Cobra." She said. "Agreed." I said. "Let's have three for now." She said. "If the last one is a girl, then her name will be Talia. And the boy Chameleon, my dead brother" she said. "Viper, Cobra, Talia/Chameleon." I repeated. "I like it" I said. We arrived at the place.

We where seated by Mileena and Scorpion. We where all in one long table so. "Hello Scorpion , Hi Mileena" I said. "This is Khameleon, my girlfriend." I said. "Hello, Khameleon, hello Reptile." Scorpions said. "Hello reptile, hey Khameleon." Mileena said. The guests where Skarlet, Ermac, Mileena, Scorpion, Khameleon, me, Kitana, Sub-Zero, Tanya, Rain, even Sindel, and Shao Khan came. Mileena made a toast, "Toast to Skarlet! She is one year older than she was yesterday, she is wiser, and stronger. To Skarlet! And also toast to the many new lives here today (Ermac! Reptile! Khameleon! Basically everyone!)." She spoke. "Woo!" We all yelled. Shao Khan even clapped for his daughters speech.

The food was delicious, they had been stuffed with pizza and garlic bread (and mints because breath-duh). Now everyone started getting up and dancing. Bye the end of the night, everyone was stuffed and tired. Around 10:30, we all went home.

As I walked Khameleon to her room, she thanked me for inviting her and kissed me goodnight.

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