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HI! this is my first AOT fanfic just letting you know I own no characters from AOT and to please comment how I'm doing so far or how you feel about this fanfic, I would like to add a special character to my book so if you wish to be in it comment your name and an idea of who you could be and I'll tell you all who will be in it based on the best idea. thanks TTYL :) -ANISA AMARI :)


I watched her lovely brown eyes fade of all life and her body go limp. I kissed the cold dead hand I held and whispered my last goodbye to my mother feeling like I could handle what has happened maturely I got up and just watched her, she looked peaceful like she was finally in a better place. Though something wasn't right with me it was like I was empty, no emotion no tears. I just stood there for a while I finally felt it fall a single tear. One bye one they fell, the tears were streaming down my now puffy cheeks.

My green eyes stared at her, I couldn't look away. My best friend the only person who could possibly make me feel ok was gone forever there was no sugar coating to this hell. "Why mom?! why did you leave me all alone?!" I suddenly yelled I was taken back bye my increasing heart rate and my blurry vision, I lost it. I couldn't take it, I fell to my knees screaming and crying as my misery echoed through the room the only thing I could see was my mom through my blurry vision. Suddenly the rooms door opened and voices and footsteps were all I could make out as I screamed " mom please... please come back don't leave me" the tears now spilling from my eyes I felt weak as I tried to stand to get to my mom, I felt my body being lifted I put up no fight. I felt so vulnerable as I cried into the mysterious persons hospital coat breathing in their lovely vanilla scent. I blacked out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up feeling absolutely empty as I lay in a hospital bed, feeling uncomfortable knowing someone undressed me, I'm wearing a hospital gown. I lay there in thought, things were going so well she would have won the battle if she could have held on a little longer. I know my mother she is strong but I could see that she was slowly losing as time flew. this is probably why it took me longer to react. I still had hope, it's gone now.

She is in a better place now so why do I feel so shitty? So many thoughts ran through my mind, as what it would be like if she lived and won her fight against breast cancer. I hear a knock on the door "come in..." I say. A doctor, my moms doctor Mrs. Hanji came in " hello Eren, how are you feeling?" she asked. She looked concerned "well I'm not sure it's hard to take all this in. I'm still adjusting" I say in a barley audible voice. " REALLY? TELL ME MORE, HOW DO YOU FEEL?" she yelled as she ran to my bed and got to close for comfort.

I said nothing, "oh sorry" she said as she backed up a little I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding " I don't know I guess I feel alone almost empty inside. I miss her. I just want her back I can't take all of this in at once." I breathed out in small, slow, shaky, breaths. "Eren I'm so sorry about you're mother, I really am she was an amazing women. I am so glad I got the opportunity to know her. Eren but listening to you um can you take a small test for me I'm very concerned about your current...state?" she suddenly said. I didnt know how to answer that so I just nodded she smiled and left, I sighed and looked out the window.

"Here ya go" she said with a smile as she put a paper and pencil on a tray in front of me. I picked up the pencil and gave Hanji a weak smile I started to read the questions and right my answer "remember to answer honestly" Hanji reminded me. When I finished I gave the paper and pencil back to her she put the tray on the floor and walked to the door " get some rest Eren " she said before she left. I fell asleep again wondering what she tested me on, and what the future holds. Will I ever let the past go?

A/N there is no authors note 😂

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