12 I Love You

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A/N I told you guys I'd update more but I just couldn't let the chapter end the way it did. So with out further ado TTYL:) -ANISA AMARI :)

{Eren's P.O.V}
It was dark but I felt nothing like I was floating I tried to speak but no words came out I was floating in a dark quite unknown place. I don't know where I am and I can feel the anxiety and fear build up..where am I...what happened

{Levi's P.O.V}
It's been a month since the crash. Eren has shown no sign of waking up I go to see him every day before school and after, but for the first week I didn't leave his side. Today is Friday and I'm here in the same room, with the same white walls, and the same beeping. His dad was here earlier, that's how we met..... it's kind of tense and ackward when he visits. I watched Eren's breathing he looks a little better than he did when we first got here.

I really wish he would wake up and show me this big bright eyes. I miss him even though he is right Infront of me I smiled as I brushed his hair from his eyes it grew longer there was a knock on the door, "come in..." Armin One of Eren's friends walked in I've seen this kid around school but never actually got a chance to talk to him.

"Um...uh..Hi.. Levi" he said coming in he was a quiet kid I just nodded and got up off the side of the bed "I'm going to go for a bit k" I said walking out he just nodded before I shut the door and walked to the elevator down stairs I decided to stop at a vending machine.

{Armin's P.O.V}
Levi walked out and shut the door behind him I didn't mean to stutter so much but for some reason he intimidates me when I'm around him, he really is a nice guy though. I walked up to Eren's side and grabbed his hand it was warm whenever I'd come to visit it'd be so cold and lifeless I intertwined our fingers and I didn't mean to but I let the tears slip he is truly the best friend I've ever had. It hurts knowing I could have lost him but it hurts more knowing he is here but I just can't seem to reach him I hope he is ok. I heard the door knob turn and open I let go of Eren's hand and wiped my tears.

Levi came in and handed me a juice I thanked him and looked back at Eren I really miss him

{Levi's P.O.V}
Armin seemed like a nice enough kid I brought me and him a drink and came back upstairs I opened the door quietly and saw Armin wiping tears from his face I handed him a juice and he thanked me and looked back to Eren with an unreadable expression I could only guess what he must be thinking. Armin left a little while after that and I stayed the night in Eren's room again I do this most weekends.

{Time Skip One Week}

{Eren's P.O.V}
Im still floating here in the dark time is not a concept here who knows how long it's been it feels like a silent eternity. I know I'm not alone though, sometimes I can hear muffled voices someone is trying to talk to me...but..who?

{Levi's P.O.V}
It's been a week since Armin came to visit Eren no one but his dad and sister have come to see Eren I listen to Eren's even breathing and stroke his hair I sighed and started remembering all the memories I have of him I was so lost in them I didn't notice my tears. I really miss him although he is right in front of me.

I wiped them away and looked back at him "I.....just...really miss you Eren, and I...can't wait to....see you again.. your smile... your.. laugh..." I wiped the new tears and grabbed his hand then I heard something I never thought I'd hear and never wanted to hear...the sound of Eren flat lining.
I felt my whole world fall How? Why? Why is he leaving me? "Eren... please don't....please... don't do this....I love you.." the doctor's and nurses rush in and I was rushed out.

{Eren's P.O.V}
In the darkness, I saw a light I wanted to be in it to feel it I wanted out. The darkness was suffocating I ran to it but I felt like I was running, chasing the light forever I didn't stop even when I heard that strange mumbling. I finally reached the light and a hand came out and pulled me in I was pulled into someone's chest and they hugged me I felt one of their tears fall on me as they stroked my hair I felt tears come to my eyes when I recognized the lovely blossom sent of the perfume my mother always wore I looked up into her brown eyes and saw the tears but I also saw the smile that spread across her face

"Eren I've missed you so much" I cried harder and hugged her I missed my mom so much, but she died......but she... died..."mom am I ...dead?" I asked pulling from her she smiled a sad smile "No, honey your not dead your inbetween life and death it's your choice come with me or live your life, I'm so proud of you and how far you've come my dear." Her words made me think...do I want to live or do I want to die...

{Levi's P.O.V}
I waited outside the door back against the wall I couldn't believe this....is he really gone....did I let him slip right through my fingers...the doctor's came out I quickly stood and faced the main doctor "...I truly am sorry......we lost him..." He said this with so much remorse I felt the tears build back up as I fell down the wall again. He left me he left me before I could call him mine, tell him I loved him, and that I wanted to be with him forever I knew this i can't hide from it anymore. I really do need him....and he left me.

"Can I see him?" I said without even looking up at the doctor he sighed "Yes you can, were going to contact his parents"  I didn't even hesitate to get up and walk into his room I was at his side in seconds, I moved his hair from his face and smiled at the sight of him I grabbed his hand and rested my head on his I kissed his lips one last time I was shocked to feel his in sync with mine as his hand grabbed mine I smiled into the kiss as a tear slid down my cheek onto his. I pulled away and saw them this bright beautiful eyes and smile staring back at me. I couldn't help but to cry as I saw the love of my life smile back at me cheating death.

 I couldn't help but to cry as I saw the love of my life smile back at me cheating death

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Tears is all I had during this chapter

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