11 Crash

37 0 4

{Two Months Later}

{Eren's P.O.V}
Here I am sitting in front of my mother's grave on her birthday. It's a Saturday and I'm not in school, Levi drove me but he suggested he stay in the car so here I am. I sighed and looked at her grave one more time I've been here for an hour I lay the flowers I brought down and and kissed her grave.

I got up and started walking to the parking lot where I saw Levi leaning against the car his grey steel eyes met mine and he smiled at me reassuringly, I smiled back and walked up to him.

"..hey" I managed to get out he gave me a sympathetic look, but in truth I wanted the reassurance of another who knows what it's like. I wasn't sure I would be able to speak over the lump in my throat. I forced the tears back and kept the smile on my face.

{Levi's P.O.V}
I watched him walk back to the car with a distant and sad look on his features. It was heart breaking he met my gaze I will always love his bright eyes but today they were filled with remorse I gave him a reassuring smile  and he smiled back he walked up to me "..hey" he sounded so frail I just wanted to hold him and tell him it was going to be ok.

I looked down trying to think of something to say to him..."Eren..." I was cut off because he hugged me I felt his tears soak my shirt I hugged him back and stroked his hair I don't know how long we were like that. After awhile he pulled back and looked at me wiping the tears from his eyes "..sorry....it's just....that..." I cut him off this time, pulling him back to me my lips met his and he immediately responded kissing me back his hands ran up my chest and around my neck pulling me against him. At the moment I didn't want to let go not even for air

{Eren's P.O.V}
I pulled away from him wiping my eyes "..sorry....it's just....that..." I was cut off by Levi pulling me to him and put his lips on mine, I loved the tingly feeling it gave me I felt like I was flying it was just me and him to say I loved him more now was an understatement, I didn't just love him more I wanted him I ran my hands across his chest and up his neck I pushed him down further on me until he was flush against me I twirled his hair in my hands and enjoyed the taste of him.

We pulled away and he wiped a remaining tear from my eye, I smiled and laughed he smiled to I looked up into is eyes and they were bright "You can get through this ok, Eren" I nodded and he opened the car door for me I laughed and wiped my eyes getting in he got in and we drove out of the parking lot onto the highway he glanced at me a few times I fell asleep my crying must have wore me out, my last thought was Levi.

{Levi's P.O.V}
I glanced at him again he was sleep I smiled and focused on the road it was getting late and there wasn't alot of people on the highway I saw two bright lights coming towards us and I didn't recognize it until it was two late the car was speeding on the wrong side of the road. I swerved over to get out of range but the car followed and collided with our car the last thing I remember hearing was Eren's scream.


[A/N lol jk keep going]
{Levi's P.O.V}
I woke up to the most annoying beep and a huge headache I couldn't open my eyes at first but they shot open when I remembered what happened "EREN!......." I looked around the room and realized I wasn't in the car and with .......no Eren the nurse and a doctor ran in the room "why am...I....here?....... Where's Eren...." The doctor whispered something to the nurse and she left "Hello Levi I'm Dr.Evens and I know you have a lot of questions, I assure you we have answers but I need you to calm down and let me make sure your ok first, is that ok?" He said in a calm reassuring voice it calmed me down, but I still had many questions I wanted answers to.

He checked me and then asked me what my questions were I was told that I was in a crash and I was out for about a week. "Where's Eren Yeager.." I asked the doctor "Your young friend is in room 235 down the hall he has been out since the crash and shows no signs of waking up soon....I'm terribly sorry" I couldn't believe it Eren...was in...a...coma I this is my fault I should have moved out the way sooner. "Can I see him?" The doctor nodded in understanding "Yes you can let me get the nurse to bring your items your released"  I got dressed as fast as I could and raced down the hall to his room and stood in front of the door I couldn't bring myself to open the door I wanted to see his smile, his bright eyes, and hear his voice. I finally opened the door and walked in shutting it the beeping of the machines the only noise in the room.

Walking over to the bed I couldn't take my eyes off him he had a few scratches on his face but other than that he looked to be ok...just a little pale and he looked so....lifeless I couldn't really see him now my vision became to blurry with tears.

I sat down on his bed and stroked his hair "I'm so sorry Eren....I'm so so sorry..." I said in between sobs he didn't even flinch. It hurt alot to see him like this. It hurt so much I rested my head on his chest and listened to his beautiful heart beat the only piece of music I need to hear to keep going in life.

A/N sorry guys I know I haven't updated in awhile but ive been super busy and I have a really stressful life alot has been going on updating has slipped my mind but I'm still so happy your staying with me this long I promise I will try to update more but um I have blessed you with two chapters they are depressing but it gets better I promise love ya
Also shout out to my amazing sister @kambriairby04 check out her book Like Or Love it's also a boy x boy and it's great so give her love guys k 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N sorry guys I know I haven't updated in awhile but ive been super busy and I have a really stressful life alot has been going on updating has slipped my mind but I'm still so happy your staying with me this long ...

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