13 Caring

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Hello readers I'm back with a super long chapter filled with all the Ereri lol, I'm sorry it's been taking so long for me to update my chapters guys.

{Eren's P.O.V} I heard a voice, a voice I recognized and loved it was Levi i pulled to his voice as hard as I could, until I could feel him, his hand brush my hair from my eyes, and I felt his hand on mine and I felt...his lips on mine and that's all it took I immediately kissed back. I felt a tear fall on my cheek and roll down, he was crying. What happened? Am I dreaming? Am I actually dead? I opened my eyes to meet his steel grey ones that I love so much. I smiled out of habit, to see him again was everything I fought for, I ignored the question in my mind. What Happened?

I heard voices and took a second to look around the room. I was in the hospital. Not in the car, I heard yelling from outside the door and doctors rushed in with my dad and sister. Mikasa was crying, and my dad looked tired mentally. All of it disappeared when I looked back at Levi, the room, the yelling, the doctor's, Mikasa, and dad all vanished and we're replaced with Levi's eyes that seemed to shine at the moment, he was beautiful and I loved him. I closed my eyes for a moment and everything disappeared even Levi.

{Levi's P.O.V} He woke up yesterday, I sat in the chair and replayed the events over and over again. Just as he was here he was gone, he was exhausted. I'm wrong for wishing he was awake right now. Friends and family came to visit but he stayed sleep all day. It's really late now I sighed and flipped through the channels of the TV, I looked over at Eren to see if he was ok and jumped and fell out of the chair I was sitting on. He was looking right at me when I looked over at him, I was still looking at him while on the floor, his laugh it was soft and sweet.

I loved it "Hehe, Sorry Levi are you ok?" I couldn't help but to laugh with him as I stood up and brushed myself off "I'm Ok,.... Your awake." I sighed he smiled up at me motioned for me to 'come here' I sat back in my chair and pulled it up to him. His smile never leaving his face "Levi....why am I here?" He said it so casual and easy like he wasn't scared he didn't even sound confused it was, in a way scary but more sad.

"You sound so calm, and easy. Your not scared? Or confused?" I asked looking away from him. "Levi please look at me....." He said so soft and sad I didn't take a second to think about it I immediately looked back at him. He came closer and cupped my face in his hands, he pressed his lips to mine and I kissed back instinctively moving in sync to him. He pulled away "Please...I can take it I am scared, and I am confused but when I saw you I knew I was going to be ok, as long as your here I'm.....Ok" he said with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

I wiped the stray tears from his face, "Eren I'm.....I'm...so sorry." He looked confused "I'm....so....sorry for not being more careful. When we left the cemetery......the highway.......we crashed....I thought I lost you" I whispered the last part as I looked away from him again. He put one hand on my cheek and softly made me look at him. "Levi.... It's ok it wasn't your fault.....Crashes can happen to anyone, anyday, it's scary to think about and it is sad when we lose people we care about....You don't understand how hard it was to get back to you. I had to really fight......to see you again."

He said he was crying and I couldn't look away from him, he was right I could only imagine how hard he fought for his own life, in a way I could relate...I only realize now how much he really meant to me. I couldn't imagine a world without him.

I don't want a world without this cheeky boy, I don't want to be in the past anymore, I love Eren and I need him in my life. I have to tell him.

{Eren's P.O.V}
I wiped the tears that fell and looked back at Levi, he looked deep in thought and he looked so sad and hurt, I don't want to be the reason for his sadness. There was a knock on the door then a nurse came in, "Hi Eren, I'm your nurse Kayla. I just brought you clothes your parents dropped off, would you like to maybe shower and change?" I loved her sweet voice I smiled back at her "Yes please, that would be amazing"

She set the clothes down next to the bathroom and left, I smiled down at Levi who was smiling right back at me. "I like her" He said while chuckling He helped me out of bed and into the bathroom, I sat on the sink counter while Levi figured out how the shower worked. "Alright it's on if you need anything Just call" I smiled at him "Ok, thanks Levi" He left and I got ready. After my shower I decided to snoop around the bathroom for awhile, I thank God I  found everything I was wishing for deodorant. A toothbrush, toothpaste, A brush, comb, and more I finished and walked out of the bathroom.

When I got out Levi was sitting on the bed he noticed me walk in "Hey, come sit by me" he said patting the seat next to him. I smiled and walked over and sat by him, he looked down again, I put my hand on his "Levi, what's wrong you have been kind of distant, you can tell me really" he looked back up at me and smiled. "I know, I've just been thinking" he said, that was confusing "about what?" I asked hoping he'd let me in more he smirked.

HOLY JESUS he smirked oh my G-O-S-H that was freakin hot! Ok um...hehe ok back to reality, "To be honest, You. Ive been worried you have been in a coma for months and in a way it was my fault. Your going to keep hearing this but Eren I'm sorry, you almost lost your life. Also your going to be hearing this for a long time but I Love You, I'm in Love with you Eren and I will never stop loving you." I felt tears prick my eyes as I listened to Levi I loved him to, but the most amazing part is that he loves me back and that's what I fought for. "Levi I...... I Love You to, I have for awhile now and I ams o glad you love me back, it's ok for you to be sorry, but I just want you to know that I forgive you. It was never your fault, Levi I will never leave you, so please don't leave me, ok?"

He smiled at me but not just a casual smile this smile was genuine and I could see his eyes shine, "Eren, can I ask you something, that is so important to me?" I nodded not sure how to answer, scared of the question he slid off the bed and got onto one knee in front of me, my heart was racing a mile a minute I think I'm going to die.

He grabbed my hand "Eren Yeager, I am in love with you, I want you by my side for as long as I live, right now I'm not old enough to ask you to be mine forever so for now, will you be my boyfriend, I promise you love, I promise to care for you through every situation that comes our way, I promise you my world and I promise to love yours if your answer is Yes no one will ever love you as much as I love you. If your answer is no I won't disappear I will still be by your side through thick and thin." Words I had none to describe how I felt at the moment, there is not a word it hasn't been invented me and Levi will invent it together

I slid off the bed and knelt in front of Levi mirroring him. I kissed his lips slow and passionate, he pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his hair, after awhile we pulled away I smiled at him and he smiled back, "Levi, I really do Love You, Your words have touched my heart and there is no one I'd rather be with and I couldn't put it into words how I felt when you asked, I'd love to be your boyfriend." He laughed, I love his laugh and kissed my head then my nose and lips. I pulled away and led him to the bed we sat down and turned on the TV I cuddled into Levi where I fell asleep.

Aww they made me cry this chapter had me balling, I just want to say I'm sorry for not updating I've been dealing with well Life so ya know, I guess it's been rough and my book wasn't really a top priority I'm sorry guys, but um like I promised there is some strong Ereri in this chapter ;-) anyway I will try to update more and I'll see ya later.

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