7 New Friends

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A/N Hey Readers I'm back and with more ideas than ever so expect tons of updates. I'm so sorry you guys i have no excuse for being gone for so long *gives you potatoes* you may throw these at me. Anyway lets begin. TTYL:) -ANISA AMARI :)
{EREN'S P.O.V} We got to the class and the first thing I noticed was all eyes on me. I don't like to be the center of attention so I just stood there frozen My teacher was talking the whole time, but I didn't hear her "... So class welcome Eren Yeager" Confused I said "Huh.." looking around the class as they all laughed, I blushed out of embarrassment "Just find a seat Yeager" Mrs.Reno said as she averted her attention back to the board. I found a seat next to a blond haired boy

"Hi I'm Armin, what's your name?" I hesitated before speaking "...Eren, my name is Eren" he smiled at me "Well it's nice to meet you Eren"  he said with a huge grin I smiled at him, he seemed really nice and we talked the rest of class. Armin called to me after class "Hey Eren ..." I turned around to greet him "Hey Armin what's up?" he caught up to me and smiled " I know... This is kinda sudden but... Can we be friends?" he said kinda fast. I smiled at him and said " what are you talking about Armin? We are Friends" I said laughing he smiled again and nodded his head he then waved as he ran to his next class.

I saw Levi down the hall so I caught up to him " Hey Levi! what class you going to?" He noticed me and said "Hey Eren, I'm headed to English" we walked together to our next classes

Me and Armin met up at the cafeteria doors so he could show me around to be honest I had to ask for directions to the cafeteria. "Hay Eren glad you found your way" Armin said as he ran up to me, I waved and said"Yeah I had to ask for directions though" we both laughed and headed into the cafeteria Armin showed me where all the lines are and tables we chose the sandwich line and Armin led me to a table with a group of kids laughing and talking.

"Hey guys this is Eren say Hello" Armin said smiling and pointing at me I smiled and did a small wave "Hey Eren I'm Connie" one boy said  "Her Ern mi namiz Sasha " a girl said with a whole potato I her mouth  I looked at Armin for a translation he said "Oh sorry that's Sasha" "Hey kid... The names Jean" one boy said with his feet on the table "Sorry about him, hi my name is Marco" another boy said with a smile as he pushed Jeans legs off the table "Yeah horse face don't be so mean" Connie said causing everyone to laugh I even laughed a little Jean blushed and looked away. It was nice to meet some new friends

" Hi everyone it's nice to meet all of you"
I said as me and Armin sat down. "Tell us about yourself Eren" Connie said averting his attention to me I smiled " Ok um I'm from here I had to move from my old school to here because.." I didn't finish my sentence, I stopped when I saw a single tear drop fall Everyone was looking at me Armin looked worried sasha had her hand over her mouth and Jean looked a little shocked Connie was looking back and forth from me to the rear and Marco looked worried to.

Armin said " Eren... Are you Ok....why are you crying?" I looked up and wiped my tears "I'm sorry everyone um... Let's talk about something else Ok?" Everyone simultaneously said Ok and we ended up talking about our classes and interests. While Connie was talking about his soccer game last weekend I was looking around the cafeteria I saw my sister Mikasa at a table with a few people talking she seemed happy, I'm glad she found some friends I kept looking around and saw Levi He noticed me looking at him and looked my way then went back to his conversation while I was pulled into mine

Me and Mikasa were walking home talking about our day, classes, and new friends. When we got home Mikasa called for dad "Dad were home!" We heard his voice "I'm in the kitchen" then as we walked towards him we heard small talk and laughter one voice sounded feminine and polite but sweet we walked in and I stopped at the door way there a woman around middle age with long blonde hair to her waist and a dainty red dress on that fit her nicely she had blue eyes and very little makeup she smiled at us her dimples and perfect smile flashing she said a simple hello I looked to my dad and he said "Kids this is Samantha my.. girlfriend"

What! Cliffhanger
Lol so new friends and oooooohhhhhhh LEVI but still wtf with the girlfriend where she come from? how long has she been with their dad? Well guess you have to find out in the next chapter TTYL:) -ANISA AMARI :)

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