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So here's the long chapter I promised enjoy
{EREN'S P.O.V} The next day I woke up An hour before my alarm to the best smell in the morning BREAKFAST. I can't remember the last time I got up and dressed so fast by the time I walked out my room to fly down the stairs Mikasa practically killed me how fast she ran down the hall "HEY NO FAIR" I yelled she turned around and gave me the most evil smirk before she ran down the stairs I ran to when I got to the kitchen I ran right into Mikasa who was just standing at the door way to the kitchen I peeked over her to see Samantha placing a plate full of bacon on the table she noticed us and smiled "Hi kids, well don't just stand there come on in" I smiled and pushed Mikasa lightly into the dinning room we sat down and had a breakfast like a real family no phones just good food and nice conversation we got to know a lot about Samantha like how she is an amazing cook. I excused myself from the table to get ready for school, while brushing my teeth my mind wondered 'Samantha seems nice I learned a lot about her she's from Brooklyn New York and she is an only child she works at a pet smart near by and she lives a block from our school she is really a great person. I like her Mikasa seemed a little distant at breakfast I'll have to talk to hear on the way to school. I hope my new friends are all there today especially Levi I really hope I can see him today... wait what!?' Shaking the thought away I rushed out the door yelling bye to dad and Samantha and catching up with Mikasa. "So she is just as cool as we thought huh?" I said to Mikasa breaking the silence "Yea she is really cool I like that she works with animals she seems genuinely kind and gentle I'm glad she is part of our lives and I very much accept her." Mikasa smiled and finished her speech I looked at her in shock then I quickly hugged her "I'm glad you feel that way see you at lunch!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs
and to my locker where Armin was waiting with a huge smile "Hey Armin what's up ready for History" I said opening my locker ad grabbing my stuff "yea I sure am. You seem happy today" he said with a smile "I am I'm filled with Breakfast" I said as we walked to class. We sat down an small chatted till the bell Mrs.Reno came in and quieted us down she talked about us having a project of writing a short story with a partner about a subject she picks listened for my name and who she partnered me with. "Eren and Levi you will be doing the great depression" she said after that I didn't listen I was to busy wondering how it would be like to work with Levi. After the bell rang I packed up my stuff and walked out of class I stopped and waited outside the door for Levi "Eren I was just about to come find you" he said with his usual stoic expression "yea I waited for you so we could talk about our project" I said while scratching the back of my neck I don't know why I was nervous but I was. I think it was just how blank his stare was it was a little intimidating "Alright I need to get to class talk to me at lunch, bye Yeager" when he walked away I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and walked the other way to my next class.
{TIME SKIP; lunch}
{EREN'S P.O.V} For some reason everything is going on at lunch I have to talk to Armin, Mikasa, and find Levi and talk to him too. Thankfully Armin found me first "Hey Eren, how has your day been?" I just sighed and answered truthfully "Tiring to be honest, so pizza?" I said pointing to the line he nodded and we started walking I caught a glimpse of Mikasa at her usual spot I called her over too the line. We talked and got lunch I'm glad I finally have friends and a great new school. We sat down for a while just talking and laughing especially when Connie and Jean got into it. I saw Levi and told my friends I'd be back. "Hey Levi, you wanted to talk?"
He nodded his head and motioned for me to sit all his friends were chatting and laughing I decided to start "Who's house are we starting at?" I thought for a minute and realized I haven't even had a chance to explain the project to my family so I just said "How about yours" He shrugged reached out his hand and said "Alright, give my your phone"  I don't know why but it made me blush at the thought of giving him my number so I just handed him my phone. He gave it back to me and said he'd text me later I got up and walked to my table to rejoin my friends but for a while I couldn't get my blush to die down of course leading to me getting questioned by Mikasa.
{After school} {still Eren's P.O.V}
I was sitting in my room doing homework when my phone vibrated I reached over and grabbed it

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