Requested imagine for Cecilia

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You were going to Starbucks with your best friend but you really didn't want to go because you weren't feeling great today. Your best friend begged and begged you to go though and being the loyal friend you are, you went with her.

You arrived at Starbucks five minutes later after walking through the freezing cold and found that the usually crowded cafe was almost empty. "That's weird, there are usually way more people here than this, oh well I'll just get my latte faster!" You friend said happily, practically skipping toward the counter.

"Hey, y/BFFs/n, can you get me a hot chocolate?" You asked with hopeful eyes.

"Sure Cecilia! Just grab us a table, preferably by the window!" She said, turning around and noticing the cute guy working at the counter. She started to flirt and twist her hair around her finger while batting her lashes in a innocent way.

"Great, ill be sitting here for at least thirty minutes before I get my hot chocolate." You mumbled, taking the available table beside the huge glass window, clouded with frost from the bitter cold outside.

You were sitting at your table checking your twitter when you heard the chime of the bell, signaling someone's arrival into the practically empty coffee house. You turned your head to warn the person of the flirting game going on at the counter but the pair of honey brown eyes you were met with knocked all the breath out of you.

This guy was H-O-T hot! The definition of sexy with his dark hair gelled into a perfect quiff and the light stubble on his chin. He was also masculine with fit biceps and tattoos scattered on his arm. You realized you were staring so you blushed and tried to look away.

He smirked at your obvious embarrassment and walked to the coffee counter. You both kept sneaking glances at each other but you were to shy to actually get up and go talk to him. You didn't want to get caught staring again so you went back to twitter, hoping to distract yourself from the hunk at the counter.

You were starting to get impatient when you heard the scrape if a chair being pulled out in front of you. "It's about time y/BFFs/ n, I've been waiting for my hot chocolate for ages! Wha-" you stopped mid sentence when you noticed it wasn't y/BFFs/n but the gorgeous guy from earlier.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you but it's not everyday I see a beautiful angel in Starbucks." He said with a smirk.

This made you burst out laughing but blush all the same. "That's your line?" You asked with a smile.

"No but my friend Louis said that's how he roped in his girl and it was worth a try. So what's your name angel?" He finished with a smile, already giving you a cute nickname.

"My names Cecilia. And you are?" You asked with a soft smile.

"I'm Zayn. I brought you some hot chocolate, your friend over there told me you wanted some." He said putting a medium sized steamy cup on the table.

"Thanks Zayn!" You said reaching for the chocolatey drink, only for it to be yanked out of the way.

"Nope, you don't get this until you promise to go out with me tomorrow at 8." He said with a confident smile.

"Well Zayn if that's the only way ill get my hot chocolate then I guess I'll have to say yes." You said grabbing your hot chocolate with a smile.

He chuckled and you exchanged numbers. The next day he picked you up at 8 just like he said and you went to a nice restaurant and that's where he asked you to be his. He called you angel from then in as y'all's secret inside joke. You ended up getting married after dating for a year. You had two girls and a little boy. What a cute story!!!:)


Ok Cecilia I hope you liked it! If you didn't just tell me and I'll write you another! Tell me what you think! If you want an imagine tell me your name, which boy, and the situation, maybe a few details about you. BYE GUYS!!! LOVE YOU ALL!

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