Requested imagine for AwesomeMBchica

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You were currently sitting on the couch with your boyfriend of 2 years, Zayn Malik. You two always sit together after he comes home from the studio and just talk, watch tv, cuddle, steal sweet kisses, pretty much anything as long as you were together. But this time it was different, you felt it in the air, Zayn was acting different and you didn't know why. He started acting different a couple of weeks ago and you didn't really pay attention to it but it was starting to bother you. You just didn't know what to do so you asked him about it.
"Zayn, babe, is everything ok? You're acting weird..." You said with curious eyes.
"It's called acting distant, Ariana. I'm acting distant." he said a little harshness lining his voice.
A little taken a back you ask "Well why are you acting distant? Was it something I did? You need to talk to me babe, isn't that what we agreed on?"
"Nope, that's what you agreed on. And yes, it was something you did. I just really don't like you anymore. I've never liked you actually, it was all an act, you were my rebound. Can't you see that I was using you to forget about the one I truly love? If you didn't see this coming then you are an out right idiot." He said, looking away from your tear filled eyes.
"That's not true..." You whispered with tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Yeah, it is. Stope being pathetic." he bit back.
"You are the one being pathetic Zayn Malik! You are the one lying to yourself and lying to me. You know what, it doesn't matter anymore, maybe I'm wrong, maybe what I saw in your eyes when you told me you loved me for the first time was a lie too. Maybe I was wrong about you. And I'm sorry for that, I'm sorry for wasting your "precious" time. I promise you won't have to look at me EVER again! and that's a promise, you remember that word, right Zayn. Promise? That's what I thought...Bye Zayn." You said, grabbing your purse and leaving.
You couldn't believe it, the guy you gave everything to, told all your deepest, darkest secrets, all your feelings was a dirty liar. You were so heart broken, you didn't know what to do about this awful pain in your chest. It seriously felt like Zayn stabbed you in the chest with a rusty knife and was constantly twisting it. But no, that's not the worst out of it all. The worst was that the next day you saw pictures on facebook, twitter, Instagram, and in a couple magazines of Zayn with his ex, Perrie Edwards. You predicted this, that he'd realize what a mistake he made and go crawling back to her. Its not like you hated her or anything because you didn't, you knew she was incredibly sweet and not to mention beautiful. You just didn't understand what you did wrong...
******1 week later****
1 week, it's been 1 whole week since he broke your heart. You seriously didn't even know what to do, you felt numb. You had cried so much that your eyes literally ached, you were feeling physical pain from you chest, you didn't sign up for this.... you didn't want any of this. You were suppose to grow up and marry a normal accountant or something and have a nice NORMAL life but no, life is a bitch, isn't it? And that bitch sure as hell wasn't gonna let you love your happily ever after.
You were currently staying in the guest bedroom at Lou and El's house. They had been so supportive through this week. Both if them had soothed you while you cried, told you it would get better and that Zayn would realize his mistake. But you knew the whole "Zariana" thing was over and that's what hurt like a bitch. You couldn't take it anymore and you knew it.
"I. can't. do. this. anymore." you whispered through gritted teeth. It was the truth, you couldn't. The dreams, the pictures and the memories, god the memories! It was all way to much! So you can to the sensible conclusion. To kill yourself.
You held the sleeping pills in your hand, you had at least forty and you knew they'd work. "At least it won't hurt." you said with a humorless laugh.
You picked up your glass of water and swallowed all the pills at once, washing them down thoroughly. You then leaned up against the guest bathrooms tiled wall and slowly slid down with a sad smile on your face as you looked at the picture of you and Zayn on your last anniversary. You both looked so happy, what happened? As you felt your eye kids closing you heard the door close from downstairs.
"ARIANA? WHERE ARE YA??" You heard El yell from downstairs. Then you heard footsteps coming towards you. "Ariana? Ariana? wake up! Come on, wake up! Shit, LOUIS! LOUIS GET UP HERE NOW! shit, shit, shit, shit! Ariana what did you do babe?" Eleanor said, shaking you and slapping you on the face lightly.
"What, Oh God! What happened?" You faintly heard Louis ask, running towards you.
"She took these pills! Call the ambulance, this was a full bottle!" El replied.
"Fuck!" Louis exclaimed. you then felt someone pick you up before you faded away completely.

****Eleanor's POV****
No, Ariana can't die! She just can't! Zayn loved her! What the hell was all this about, she has to make it through this! She just has to. But the doctors say she doesn't look good, it's been three days and she hasn't woken up yet. Zayn has been going crazy, after Louis called him and cussed him out for doing this to her. Zayn came to the hospital before we were even there. He had tears streaming down his face and he looked so defeated. It was really awful. He hasn't left her bedside since, he sits in there, holding her hand and talking to her. It breaks my heart to see him like that. All I can do is pray that she wakes up soon. I was so close to hating Zayn when I found her but then he explained why he did it...

******ARIANAS POV******
"What the hell is that?" You said to yourself. You tried to open your eyes but the light blinded you, trying again you looked around the room and saw Zayn. He was saying something but you couldn't tell what so you closed your eyes and tried to act like you were asleep to see of you could hear him better. "Baby, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean anything. I'm such a fucking idiot, this is all my fault, you deserve so much better. Just please baby, please wake up. I love you so fucking much, Arianna! please Ariana just wake up, I want to hold you again, please! I know I don't deserve it but I just wanna hear your beautiful voice one more time. I wish you could hear me right now so I could tell you every single thing on my mind. I promise that this is the last time I ever listen to management, I was a fucking prick for breaking up with you because of them, I don't care if they cut me from the band or not, I fucking love you and nobody will ever change that. I'm so sorry about what I said to you, I thought that if I made you hate me then it would be easier but it only made it worse. That look on your face, dear God Ariana that look will haunt me forever. Just, just please wake up so I can tell you all over how much I love you and how sorry I am, I know you want forgive me but I at least have to try to get the best thing that's ever happened to me back..." he said, you could tell he was crying and had been for a while. His voice was shaky and really croaky. It took all you had not to cry, all anger was gone, because you knew he was telling the truth. He thought you were asleep. He hadn't lat go of your hand the whole time and that made your heart flutter even more. You opened your eyes and saw the saddest thing you'd ever seen, Zayns hair was everywhere and he had scruff with tired eyes and dry tear tracks down his face. You just had to say something.

"I forgive you Zayn...I love you so much." you said, it was a little hard to speak but it had to be said, this was breaking your heart.
"Ariana?!? Baby, your awake? Please, please don't ever do that again! I love you to babe!"
"Good, now get up here and kiss me properly!" you said with a smile.
"Gladly." he said with a smirk, bringing his soft lips to yours.

ARIANA I AM SO SO SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME FOREVER!!!! I hoped you liked it!!!! Tell me what ya think!!


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