Requested imagine for AwesomeMBchica

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Today was just a normal day at first. You woke up, brushed your teeth, took you maternal vitamins, and ate breakfast. You were almost 9 months pregnant so there really wasn't anything else for you to do but eat and watch tv, right? Right! So that's exactly what you were doing until you felt you pants become soaking wet. Uh oh...

"HARRY!!!" You screamed in slight panic, desperately clinging to the wall as you got up trying to get some clean pants from the overstuffed laundry basket.

"What?!?Is everything ok? Babe?!? ARIANA?!?! Are you ok?!?" Your husband ,Harry styles, screamed, running frantically towards you.

You see, um Harry has been kinda nervous about this whole baby thing. I mean he was so excited but really scared because he seriously thought that he'd be a bad dad, even though you reassure him constantly his nerves never seem to calm down.

"Yes babe, I'm good. But my water broke and I need you to go upstairs and get the bags and take me to the hospital. Can you do that Harry?" you asked, trying to keep the father of your child calm and collected.

"Yeah! I got it babe! I got this don't you worry. Harry Edward Styles has this under control!" He replied giving you a quick thumbs up before scrambling up the stairs. Not even theory seconds a rushed Harry came barreling down the stairs with a suitcase and a baby car seat in his arms. "Ok I've got the car seat, the clothes, the keys, and crap what else is there? I know I'm forgetting something!" You here him mumbling to himself as he walks out the door and to the car.

"Ok. now I just need to get to the car and we're good. Right baby? Mummy and daddy can't wait to see you!" You said unconsciously rubbing your rounded tummy.

As you look out the window of your house you see Harry speeding out of the driveway and down the road. "Ok baby, it seems daddy has forgotten something." you said with a chuckle, retrieving your phone from the kitchen counter.

Dialing Harry's number you hear one ring, two ring, three ring, and "Hello?"

"Harry, babe did you forget something?" You asked sweetly.

"Um, no I don't think-Aw Shit! Babe stay right where you are! I'm coming back! Fuck, I'm really sorry Ariana I'm just so nervous and I forgot you and damn I can't believe I did that." he rambled.

"It's ok babe, your only human." you said with a chuckle.

You hear a door slam outside and right before you can walk out Harry bursts through the door. "Here babe, let me help you." He says grabbing your hand and putting his arm around you for support. He then leads you to the car and once you were safely buckled in he proceeded to drive off.....again.

"How are my baby's doing over there?" He asked grabbing your hand.

"We're doing fine just a slight contractions." You said with a wince. "Babe, I don't want to stress you out or anything but are we almost there? the contractions are getting really close together." You said with a grimace.

"Yea babe, we're here, just breath deep and slow! I'm gonna help you out. ok?" He said rushing to your side of the car.

Harry helped you out of the car and into the hospital. "Somebody help! My wife is in labor!" Harry exclaimed.

A nurse came up with a wheelchair. "Sir, how far apart are her contractions?" the nurse asked as she wheeled you down the corridor and into your room.

"Um I'm not sure. A couple minutes?" He replied.

"Ok she's definitely ready!" she exclaimed pushing a button by the bed you were now resting on. A doctor and another nurse came through the door and asked the nurse the same question she had asked Harry seconds before. "There only a couple minutes apart doctor. She's definitely ready." She hastily replied.

The doctor and nurse got you set up and you were now pushing and probably crushing you dear husbands hand. "Push babe, your almost there, our baby is almost here. You're doing so good, come on just push one more time Ariana. I love you so much babe, you doing great. just one more time!" Harry kept whispering in your ear.

You finally hear the most beautiful sound ever. Your babies first cry. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs Styles, it's a boy!" The doctor said holding your baby boy up so you could see. "Now Mr. Styles, it's time to cut the umbilical chord."

With tears of joy in his eyes Harry walks over to the beautiful creation that is your infant son and cuts his umbilical chord. They clean your baby up and put a blue hat on his head. The nurse hands him to you wrapped in a blue blanket. "So, what are you going to name him?" She asked with a curious smile.

"Eric, Eric William Styles." You said, looking up at Harry, your brown eyes connecting with his green ones. With teary eyes he smiles at you and pushes your sweaty brown locks off your forehead to place a loving kiss there.

"That's beautiful babe, simply beautiful." He said in a raspy voice.


I hope you like it Ariana! Tell me what you think!!! If you want another one just tell me!!!!





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