Requested imagine for AwesomeMBchica

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"Seriously Liam?!? You're gonna believe that stupid, lying magazine over me?" You screamed at your very stubborn boyfriend. Today was suppose to be great you know, everything was suppose to be all fine and dandy because y'all were suppose to go on a date and have a great time to celebrate the release of Midnight Memories, but life never seems to work out for you. That little fact was proven when you were getting all dolled up for the occasion when Liam stormed through the door with a burning fire in his usual soft brown eyes. And then the yelling started.

"Don't play games with me Ariana. I'm not the stupid bloke you seem to think I am. I know that there is no fucking way they can photoshop you practically eating this guys face off! Now stop the pathetic lies and tell me how long you were going behind my back!" He screamed in my face.

"Well that's going to be kinda hard considering I was never going behind your back!" You replied sarcastically.

"This is why we aren't gonna work!" He replied.

"And why is that Liam?!? Why aren't we gonna work? Please honor me with your reasons that we aren't going to work!" You screamed back. To be honest you were dying on the inside, You could feel your heart being smashed, crushed, and stomped all at once, and it hurt like hell. But right now, you were way to outraged and furious to let a tear slip from your eyes, you were breaking fast though...

"On reason would be that your a sarcastic bitch! The second being that you are a lying slut." He sneered with harsh eyes. that hurt like a bitch.

"Um....o-ok. I understand." You said with tears streaming down your face.

You got all your stuff together in your suitcase as fast as possible. You knew he didn't want you there and who wanted to be a bother? Not you! It was kinda hard to make sure you got two years worth of clothes and makeup products in a matter of minutes especially with blurred vision but you did it and now it was time to go.

You past Liam on the way to the door, he had already broken. His face was full of sorrow but you didn't care, what he said to you past the line and you were done with this. He looked like he was about to say something but before you could you slammed the door and left. You went straight to the person you knew would always be there for you, Perrie Louise Edwards.

*******Next Day********

"Per,I love him so much but he thinks I cheated on him! He obviously doesn't trust me and I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me." You said, crying on your best friends shoulder.

"Awe babe, he's just under a lot of pressure from management, I know and you know he didn't mean what he said. So why don't you just save all this trouble and go make up? Ok? Lets go!" She said pulling you up from the couch and dragging you to the car.

You were now standing in front of Liam's apartment building. You were about to go inside when you saw a girl come out on Liam's terrace with nothing but one of his shirts on. what killed you even more was it was Sophie, Liam's ex....

"I guess I'm to late." You whispered to yourself. You walked numbly to the car and got in.

*****a week later*****

"Ariana, I'm gonna ask you a very awkward question but you're gonna have to answer it, ok?" Perrie said while rubbing your back.

You were currently leaning over the toilet throwing up every little thing that was in your stomach.

"Ok..." You whispered, wiping your mouth off and getting up to brush your teeth.

"When was the last time you had unprotected sex?" she asked rather bluntly.

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