More Mysteries and Pointless Advice

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Your POV:

I got up and out of my room, bored of lying around. I never had been on the doomship before this vacation, nor had I gotten a tour, or a stupid lecture to not go into the basement. I looked at the steep wooden steps, intrigued.

I don't see why not.

I stepped down the stairs, each step I took took me farther away from the lantern's light, but when I got farther down, torches had been conveniently placed. I walked farther finding skulls, bones, and blood. I cringed at the gruesome things inside this dungeon.

Bowser never told me about this...

A cold shiver went down my spine, and I got the strangest feeling that someone was watching me. I spun around, but I appeared to be all alone. The dim lighting lead me to a long line of cells full of dead people. I can't help, but be mad at Bowser for killing innocent humans. I walked further and further until the end of the dungeon. There was a wooden cell and it was locked with three locks. I was scared but I banged on the door. I heard a scream and it sounded like; "Help!". I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and picked the locks.
The door swung open. There was a chained man who looked familiar.
I stepped closer and saw more details.
He was thin, young, tall, and had a fancy attire that had been withered and scratched, and I could see that his hair was a turquoise-blue.

"Who are you?" I nervously asked.

"Prince Haru." He coughed.

"I'm earrm....Princess Y/N." I introduced.

Haru? I had heard that somewhere, but how do I know him?

"Do you have a wife of any kids or something?" I asked.

"Yes. My wife's name was Peach, and my daughter's name was Y/N." He croaked.

"I'm your daughter." I smiled.

"You are? But how did you get onto Bowser's ship?" He asked.

"Long story, it all happened when-" I was cut off by not Haru, but someone else.

"Both of your stories are going to end now if you don't get out." Bowser growled.

"But, Bowser, why would you kidnap my fathe-" he cut me off again and picked me up and onto his shoulder.

"No! Bowser! Put me down this instant!" I screamed punching him as hard as I could.

He laughed and locked the cell door.

"You are never to go down here ever again, no matter what I say." He demanded.

"But he's my fathe-" I was rudely interrupted once again.

"I said we will never speak of this again. End of discussion." He growled.

Bowser's POV:

Y/N tried to punch me again, but it didn't even hurt, it was like I wasn't even being touched.
I carried her upstairs and took her to her room.

"Never go anywhere I've never showed you." I growled.

"You showed me the dungeon." She snickered.

"I didn't show that to you. And quit being naughty and go to bed." I slammed her door and locked it.

"Don't go and meet your father, because I'm a sociopath he says." She mimicked.

"I said go to sleep." I snarled.

I left her locked door and went back to my room and closed my door.
I couldn't wait till this stupid vacation was over. We were close to where my friends lived, but I angrily stormed to the steering wheel to cancel the rest of the vacation.

"Listen, we're going home. Now. How fast can you get us there?" I asked the koopa troops at the wheel.

"We would enter darkland as early as sunrise." He answered.

"Good." I left as the boat starts to spin backwards.

I walked past Y/N's room and went into mine. I sighed and sag in my large chair and browsed all the books I had. I found a book I had bought a long time ago, but never read. It's about how to treat your teenage sons and daughters. I had gotten it for when The koopaling's started to drive me nuts, but that never happened. And I know she's eighteen, not technically a teenager, but I really don't care. I started to read through but it was terrible advice like; they like being left alone, let them do fun things, and worst of all: CUT THEM SOME SLACK! Who the hell even wrote this dumb accuse for a book. I put the book back on the shelf and plopped back onto my large chair.

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